O Tribunal Superior de Bissau recusa-se liminarmente analisar docie apresenta por coletivos de advogados do partido no poder o PAIGC, o STJ justifica a sua decisão assegurando que o PAIGC não apresentou provas palpáveis que fará com que o STJ a seguir com o processo na plenária de corte suprema de TJ, no entanto o coletivos dos advogados do PAIGC estão reunidos neste preciso momento com quatros juízes conselheiros do STJ, enquanto que o DSP prepara para fazer pronunciamento nas próximas horas fase a esta situação imbróglio.
Notícias a atualizar...
segunda-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2020
URGENTE: Supremo Tribunal de Justiça, recusa-se analisar pedido do candidato derrotado na presidencial de 29 de dezembro, pedido este impugnar resultados da eleição presidencial de segundo turno alegando de conter vícios
Posted by faladepapagaio.blogspot.com
segunda-feira, janeiro 06, 2020
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A CNE e o MADEM G-15 receberam hoje, a notificação do SUPREMO TRIBUNAL DA JUSTIÇA, para pronunciarem sobre as acusações infundadas de DOMINGOS SIMÕES PEREIRA sobre alegadas fraudes ocorridos no processo eleitoral
Fonte: Estamos a Trabalhar
Fonte: Estamos a Trabalhar
Posted by faladepapagaio.blogspot.com
segunda-feira, janeiro 06, 2020
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A União Nacional dos Trabalhadores da Guiné (UNTG) e a Confederação Geral dos Sindicatos Independentes da Guiné-Bissau (CGSI-GB) iniciam, amanhã, terça-feira, 07 de janeiro de 2020, uma greve de três dias para exigir do executivo de Aristides Gomes, o pagamento de todas as dívidas contraídas pelas empresas públicas, que até este momento receberam nada, bem como o pagamento das dívidas do passado, contraídas mediante acordo com funcionários públicos como solução para acabar com as vagas de paralisações na função pública. A posição das duas organizações sindicais foi tornada pública pelo Secretário-geral da UNTG, Júlio António Mendonça, durante uma entrevista concedida esta segunda-feira, 06 de janeiro de 2020.
O sindicalista lembrou, neste particular que, desde o passado dia 23 de dezembro que entregaram o pré-aviso de greve ao governo, mas nunca foram chamados para se sentarem à mesma mesa com o executivo, pelo que não há alternativa senão avançar com a paralisação da função pública guineense.
“sem o pagamento a administração pública guineense continuará a ser paralisada de três em três dias em cada semana”, avisa.
Segundo Júlio Mendonça, a atitude do governo levou as duas centrais sindicais a concluírem que não há vontade, da parte do governo, para resolver os problemas dos servidores públicos, mas uma lógica de governar para garantir que os seus familiares e parentes estejam bem.
“Não consigo entender como é que uma pessoa, que representa o Estado, chega a um acordo com os seus parceiros sociais e, a partir da data que assinou o memorando, nunca mais se dignou zelar pelo seu cumprimento e nós, sindicalistas, temos um compromisso com os trabalhadores e não podemos perder tempo, enquanto os funcionários a sofrem. Mais grave ainda é que o governo tem estatuto e diplomas legais que devem ser implementados, que é uma exigência do ponto um do memorando de entendimento, não se interessa por nada e continua a violar as regras do jogo, sobretudo no concernente ao ingresso de pessoas na função pública. Os direitos dos trabalhadores estão a ser postos em causa, não podemos aceitar essa situação”, enfatizou.
Júlio Mendonça chamou atenção aos dirigentes sindicais de base que nesta luta não estejam a altura para aguentar, que é melhor que coloquem o cargo à disposição, tornando-se em simples funcionários, porque ninguém obrigou ninguém ser sindicalista. Assim, pediu a todas as organizações filiais a seguirem as orientações das centrais sindicais para a efetivação dos seus direitos, dignificando a classe trabalhadora guineense.
Para Júlio António Mendonça, o país não podia parar devido ao processo eleitoral, por os trabalhadores públicos precisarem trabalhar e produzir receitas para depois beneficiarem, mas não tomar o dinheiro do erário público e utilizá-lo na campanha eleitoral, “como aconteceu nestas eleições. O Estado foi banalizado a todos os níveis”, criticou sindicalista.
Por: Aguinaldo Ampa
Foto: A.A
O sindicalista lembrou, neste particular que, desde o passado dia 23 de dezembro que entregaram o pré-aviso de greve ao governo, mas nunca foram chamados para se sentarem à mesma mesa com o executivo, pelo que não há alternativa senão avançar com a paralisação da função pública guineense.
“sem o pagamento a administração pública guineense continuará a ser paralisada de três em três dias em cada semana”, avisa.
Segundo Júlio Mendonça, a atitude do governo levou as duas centrais sindicais a concluírem que não há vontade, da parte do governo, para resolver os problemas dos servidores públicos, mas uma lógica de governar para garantir que os seus familiares e parentes estejam bem.
“Não consigo entender como é que uma pessoa, que representa o Estado, chega a um acordo com os seus parceiros sociais e, a partir da data que assinou o memorando, nunca mais se dignou zelar pelo seu cumprimento e nós, sindicalistas, temos um compromisso com os trabalhadores e não podemos perder tempo, enquanto os funcionários a sofrem. Mais grave ainda é que o governo tem estatuto e diplomas legais que devem ser implementados, que é uma exigência do ponto um do memorando de entendimento, não se interessa por nada e continua a violar as regras do jogo, sobretudo no concernente ao ingresso de pessoas na função pública. Os direitos dos trabalhadores estão a ser postos em causa, não podemos aceitar essa situação”, enfatizou.
Júlio Mendonça chamou atenção aos dirigentes sindicais de base que nesta luta não estejam a altura para aguentar, que é melhor que coloquem o cargo à disposição, tornando-se em simples funcionários, porque ninguém obrigou ninguém ser sindicalista. Assim, pediu a todas as organizações filiais a seguirem as orientações das centrais sindicais para a efetivação dos seus direitos, dignificando a classe trabalhadora guineense.
Para Júlio António Mendonça, o país não podia parar devido ao processo eleitoral, por os trabalhadores públicos precisarem trabalhar e produzir receitas para depois beneficiarem, mas não tomar o dinheiro do erário público e utilizá-lo na campanha eleitoral, “como aconteceu nestas eleições. O Estado foi banalizado a todos os níveis”, criticou sindicalista.
Por: Aguinaldo Ampa
Foto: A.A
Posted by faladepapagaio.blogspot.com
segunda-feira, janeiro 06, 2020
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Autoridades marítimas qualificam de positivo o balanço das atividades durante o ano 2019
Siga Batista Capitão dos Portos da Guiné-Bissau afirma que que 2019 findo registrou se vinte mortos nas águas territoriais, de acordo com os dados recolhidos por todas as estruturas implantadas em todo território nacional.
Nicolau Gomes Dautarim
Nicolau Gomes Dautarim
Posted by faladepapagaio.blogspot.com
segunda-feira, janeiro 06, 2020
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African Union Election Observation Mission To The Second Round Of The Presidential Election On 29 December 2019 In The Republic Of Guinea Bissau
This second round of the presidential election on 29 December 2019 marks a decisive milestone in the country’s political history. Bissau Guineans voted in calm and serenity. They demonstrated democratic maturity.
Following an invitation from the Government of Guinea Bissau, the President of the African Union Commission (AU), His Excellency Moussa Faki Mahamat deployed an African Union Election Observation Mission (AUEOM), to assess and report on the conduct of the election. The AUEOM is led by His Exellency Dr. Joaquim Rafael BRANCO, former Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe. The Mission comprises 13 Long Term Observers (LTO) and 40 Short Term Observers (STO) divided into 28 teams. The LTO were deployed since 19 November 2019 and will remain till 5 January 2020 while the STO, who arrived Bissau on 22 December will stay in the country until 3rd January 2020.
The Mission is composed of an Ambassador accredited to the African Union, Pan-African Parliamentarians, Officials of Election Management Bodies, members of African civil society, African election experts, Human Rights specialists, Experts on Gender and Media Experts. The observers are drawn from thirty-three (33) countries, which are representative of the geographical diversity of the continent and include the following: Algeria, Angola, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Cape-Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Mozambique, Niger, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Sudan, Togo, Tunisia, Zambia and Zimbabwe. The Mission deployed observers to all nine (9) regions of the country which are: The Autonomous Sector of Bissau, Biombo, Bafata, Gabu, Oio, Quinara, Tombali, Cacheu and Bolama-Bijagos. The AUEOM was divided into 28 teams and on election day, visited 334 polling stations amongst which 189 (56.58 %) were in the urban milieu and 145 (43.42 %), in the rural area.
The objective of the AUEOM is to assess in an honest, positive, independent, professional and impartial manner, the integrity, credibility, regularity and transparency of the second round of the presidential election. The methodology of the Mission is enshrined within the framework of principles set out in key provisions of international instruments on democratic elections notably the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance (2012), the OAU/AU Declaration on the Principles Governing Democratic Elections in Africa, (2002), the AU Guidelines for Election Observation and Monitoring Missions (2002), and the United Nations Declaration of Principles for International Election Observation (2005). The Mission also takes into consideration regional instruments and particular attention is paid to the national legal framework for the conduct of elections. The AUEOM met with stakeholders in the electoral process notably the two candidates, the president of the National Electoral Commission (CNE) and the other Election Observation Missions.
This Preliminary Statement is based on the reports of LTO, information gathered from the different meetings with interlocutors and on the reports of the 28 Observer teams deployed on the field on Election Day. A final report with a detailed assessment of the entire process shall be published at the end of the Mission.
1. Political context of the election
The second round, of the presidential runoff opposed Domingos Simoes PEREIRA and Umaro Sissoco EMBALO. Most of the candidates who lost in the first round rallied behind either of the two who qualified for the runoff. The formation of alliances generated internal crises in the political parties concerned, without significantly affecting the voting instructions given by the leaders. The overall political atmosphere was peaceful. However, the election was conducted under social tension within the ranks of the Public Administration owing to delays in salaries strikes by teachers. Meanwhile, the mission noted in some cases, the manipulation of the ethnic and religious factors within political circles. To these is added the contradictory use of the nation-state and popular sovereignty narratives as factor for political and identification partisan division. On the other hand, the seizure of the campaign materials of the candidate EMBALO at the borders of the country almost degenerated into confrontation between the political actors. However, the situation came to a positive end thanks to the intervention of the international community notably ECOWAS.
2. Legal Framework
The second round of the presidential election is governed by Articles 109 to 112 of Law No 10/2013 of 25 September 2013, regulating the election for the Presidency of the Republic and the National Popular Assembly. By virtue of Article 111, “the CNE fixes the date for the second round of election, to hold within 21 days from the date of publication of the results of the first round while Article 112 provides that “the campaign for the second round of the election shall last for 15 days”. Also applicable are the provisions of Articles 28 to 45 of the same law, on election campaign. In addition, the provisions of Articles 50 to 97 relating in particular to early voting, voting operations, and tabulation as well as the announcement of election results.
3. Electoral Administration
The National Electoral Commission (CNE) deployed sensitive election materials to the Regional Electoral Commissions (CRE) on 21 and 22 December 2019. Indelible ink which posed problems and drew a lot of attention during the first round was changed. Non sensitive election materials were conserved to be used in the second round.
The Mission welcomes the efforts devoted to improve on the organisation of the election within a very short timeframe. However, the mission noted delays in the payment of honorariums to members of the CRE and the non provision of telephone chips and cards notably in the islands and the peripheries, to enable them better coordination of the deployment of election material and personnel. Finally, the early voting process was better understood thanks to sensitizations of stakeholders carried out by CNE and the delegates of candidates.
4. Voter Register
The Voter register was not changed during the two rounds of the election. It comprises 761 676 voters following voter registration carried out from 2018 to 2019. Meanwhile, the voters who had lost their voter cards were unable to have duplicates. Whereas Article 26 (3) of law No 10/2013 of 25 September 2013 on voter registration which obliges the Commission in charge of voter registration, to issue a new card not later than 10 days to the election, which shall bear the inscription of a duplicate”. This provision of the law was not respected by GTAPE owing to lack of political consensus between the stakeholders.
5. Coalition of Candidates
Driven by the urge to win the election, the candidates concluded alliances for the runoff. Domingos Simoes PEREIRA was supported by Baçiru DJA, Mamadu Iaia DJALO and Idrissa DJALO while Umaro Sissoco EMBALO was supported notably by Nuno NABIAM, José Mario Vaz, Carlos DOMINGOS Gomes. These coalitions were often contested within the political parties for diverse reasons. At the end, they were supported by most of the officials of the parties concerned.
6. Campaign
Campaign for the second round took place from 13 to 27 December 2019. The candidates published their respective campaign programs and itineraries. The CNE urged the candidates to abide by the Code of Conduct and ethics and to avoid hate speech and violence. The Mission also noted certain cases where supporters of Umaro Sissoco EMBALO approached it with respect to logistics problems with the Administration.
7. Media
Article 37 of law No10/2013 of 25 September 2013, provides that candidates are entitled to daily broadcast of their activities for 10 minutes on the radio and 5 minutes on Television of Guinea Bissau (TGB). However, the candidates did not accept to grant interviews on the television on 18 and 19 December 2019. Nevertheless, they took part in the Televised Presidential debate on 26 December 2019. The CNE and the other stakeholders made recourse to the services of the local private media Mission which used the national languages to disseminate their messages to citizens in the interior parts of the country.
8. Civil Society
Civil Society played a non negligible role in the inclusive follow up of the electoral process. Amongst the active members during this election, we can cite the: Political platform for Women in Guinea Bissau, comprising of over 600 organizations and the National Movement of Civil Society. These organizations alongside others took part in monitoring the electoral process and the vote. They established their situation room on the eve of the eletion at AZALAI Hotel as was the case during the first round of the election. This initiative deserves to be supported and promoted to reinforce the education and participation of the population in elections.
The Mission noted that however, that civil society is still not authorized to observe elections in the country.
9. Sensitization
The CNE, the candidates and their allies as well as civil society were mobilised to effectively sensitize the population to come out and vote on Election Day. The national media distinguished itself as a powerful vector for education, capable of raising the awareness and conscience of the people towards partisan affiliation. The social media equally played an innovative role in sensitisation. Other classical mediums used included spots, flyers, sensitization meetings and caravans.
10. Security
The security component of the electoral process was carried out through the framework of a strategic operational plan initiated in common accord by the National Joint Command Defence and Security Forces and the ECOMIB forces of ECOWAS. Regular patrols carried out within this framework contributed to the maintenance of social peace and created conducive conditions for the success of the electoral process.
5. Overall, the vote was properly conducted without any major incidents.
1. Early Voting
Early voting concerned notably the national defence and security forces. It took place on 26 December 2019 in line with the provisions of Articles 52 and 53 of the electoral law on 26 December 2019. The AUEOM teams noted lateness in the effective start of the operations. In certain areas, such as Biombo, the list of voters was not available. Generally, early voting was lower compared to the first round of election. In effect, the Mission noted that in 20% of the polling stations visited ballot papers for early voting were received.
2. Opening of Polling Stations
The Mission notes with satisfaction that the prescribed time for opening (7:00 am) was respected in almost the totality of polling stations visited. The polling personnel were present ahead of the opening time. Each polling station had between 3 and 4 members. Procedures for opening were well respected by the polling station members. The empty ballot boxes were displayed to voters and delegates of candidates before being sealed. Election materials and ballot papers were available and in sufficient quantities.
3. Election Material
Election materials were available in all the polling in sufficient quantities and on time in polling stations observed. Conversely, the quality of indelible ink was better than that of the first round. The Mission noted that in some very few exceptional cases voting booths were devised through local methods.
4. Turnout in the election
The Observers of the AUEOM noted with satisfaction that, there was high turnout of voters in the morning. The two camps mobilised their supporters and ensured the effective presence of their delegates at polling stations.
5. Female participation
The Mission noted that women turned out massively to vote. Conversely, women only constituted 28.65% of the total number of delegates of candidates at the polling stations visited compared to 28.33%, during the first round of the election. Meanwhile, as members of polling stations visited, they made up 43.83% down from 56.46% in the polling stations observed in the first round.
6. Participation of aged persons, vulnerable persons, persons with disabilities, pregnant and lactating women.
The AUEOM noted with satisfaction the efforts put in place to give priority to aged persons, vulnerable persons the physically challenged, pregnant and lactating mothers. were assisted either by voters of their choice or by members of the polling station. In some places observed, stairways were created and voting booths adapted to facilitate voting by persons with disabilities. This category of persons received assistance from persons of their choice.
7. Election Personnel
The number of election personnel ranged from 3 to 4 in the polling stations visited. In the majority of polling stations observed, they displayed a better understanding of procedures at polling stations. Their relationship with the delegates of candidates was full of cordiality, which created a favourable working milieu.
8. Voting
The vote went on in a peaceful and serene manner in the polling stations visited on the entire national territory. There were no major incidents observed by the AU observer teams.
9. Secrecy of the vote
Ballot boxes were sealed in most of the polling stations observed. The placement of voting booths in polling stations was better done during the second round. The results sheets were placed in sealed envelopes. This contributed in reinforcing the secrecy of the vote, the sincerity and regularity of the election.
10. Candidate Representatives
The Mission notes with satisfaction, that the delegates of candidates who were mostly youths, were present in all the polling stations visited. They displayed a proper mastery of procedures. They were in possession of voter lists which permitted them to better follow-up and verify the voting.
11. Security of voting operations
The security of the electoral process was carried out by the defence and security forces assisted by ECOMIB, in conformity with the Common Action Plan inscribed within the framework of the Joint Command. This operation permitted the ensuring of security on the national territory. The presence of these forces was dissuasive and discrete. On the other hand, the agents of the CNE contributed to secure the polling stations
12. Closing and counting
The polling stations observed closed at the prescribed closing time (5 p.m). Counting operations were conducted with serenity and transparency, in the presence of delegates of candidates and the public. The results were posted at polling stations. After the counting, the delegates of candidates signed the result sheets and received copies..
13. Participation of the International community
The Mission notes with satisfaction the efforts by the international community notably the P5 Group the Joint Mission ECOWAS-AU-UNO and the other technical and financial partners who assisted Guinea Bissau in the organisation of this election. The Mission commends the technical support of ECOWAS and the security of ECOMIB. It equally welcomes the financial and logistics support of the UNDP and the other partners. Finally, it recognises the efforts of coordination initiated to harmonise the positions of the international community in order to sustainably stabilise the country.
- The AUEOM congratulates the Bissau Guinean people for their political maturity and for their ownership of the electoral process. It noted that the vote was conducted in peace and security necessary for the free expression of suffrage. Notwithstanding the few rare incidents, the election campaign and the vote went on hitch-free over the entire national territory. Overall, the election was free, regular and transparent.
- The AUEOM welcomes the spirit of patriotism and fair play of the candidates in the election. It calls for calm and restraint while they await the announcement of the results. The AUEOM thanks all the state authorities, the CNE, the CRE, the candidates,, members of civil society and the technical and financial partners for having accepted to interact with the Mission.
The AUEOM recommends
To the Government and the National Popular Assembly:
- Work towards the preservation of social peace and national unity;
- Reinforce the means of CNE to enable it to better accomplish its missions;
- Improve the voter registration system;
- Ensure more involvement of civil society in the electoral process notably in election observation;
- Provide voters with duplicates when they misplace their voter cards.
To the CNE:
- Reinforce and harmonise the monitoring of electoral personnel in the polling stations on the entire national territory.
To Candidates:
- Resort to legal means in the case of election contests;
- Promote gender balance and youth involvement in politics;
- Give priority to consensus and the competition of ideas;
- Endeavour to avoid conflicts of identity;
- Contribute to the preservation of social peace and national unity.
To the International Community:
- Continue its support to Guinea Bissau in its effort to consolidate the achievements of democracy in order to engender peace, stability, the rule of law and sustainable development.
Done at Bissau, 30 December 2019 For the Mission,
His Excellency Dr. Joaquim Rafael BRANCO
Press release (Portuguese)
Posted by faladepapagaio.blogspot.com
segunda-feira, janeiro 06, 2020
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Guiné-Bissau: Triste - Aconteceu agora mesmo, na estrada que liga Sheraton Quelele, acidente fatal numa tentativa de fazer ultrapassagem sem sentido, o taxista acabou por atropelar um jovem que seguia de moto através de choque brutal, a vítima aparentemente de 35 anos sofreu ferimentos gravíssimo, neste momento foi evacuado para Hospital Nacional Simão Mendes.
Posted by faladepapagaio.blogspot.com
segunda-feira, janeiro 06, 2020
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Caros amigos!
А Embaixada da Rússia com o apoio do Ministério da Educação Nacional e Ensino Superior da Guiné-Bissau e o Secretariado Executivo da Comissão Nacional para a UNESCO em 7️⃣ de Janeiro do corrente começa a receber pedidos de candidatos a estudarem nos estabelecimentos de ensino superior da Rússia em 2020/2021.
Os documentos necessários (na primeira fase - cópias dos certificados de ensino médio e cartão de identidade) devem ser transmitidos ao Ministério da Educação (Sessão Unesco) até 2️⃣1️⃣ de Janeiro de 2020. A lista copleta dos documentos está no http://pt.russia.edu.ru/enter/process/
Para todos os candidatos serão adoptados os seguintes critérios:
1 - A nota média do Certificado do XII ano;
2 - Os resultados dos testes por escrito (Exames) em Português, Matemática e Cultura Geral;
3- As competências reveladas durante a prova oral (Entrevistas);
4- Não utilização de telemóvel na sala durante o teste por escrito/oral.
A bolsa do Governo da Rússia permite receber gratuitamente a educação durante todo o período de estudos. Os candidatos podem escolher quaisquer áreas de formação nos 456 estabelecimentos de ensino superior russos!
Desejamos muita boa sorte a todos os participantes!
Fonte: Embaixada da Rússia na Guiné-Bissau
Posted by faladepapagaio.blogspot.com
segunda-feira, janeiro 06, 2020
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O Sr. Aristides Gomes fora exonerado em finais de Outubro de 2019, do cargo de Primeiro-ministro, tendo permanecido De facto até a presente data no lugar e não De jure. Hoje, podemos até afirmar que sua permanência na chefia do governo resultou da sua insubordinação ao Decreto Presidencial, ao desafiar a decisão - rodeado na altura pelos membros do Governo - dizendo que só sairia “se fosse pela via da força”, alegando, inclusivamente, que havia "arranjos constitucionais" (que só ele sabia) que vedavam ao Presidente José Mário Vaz de tomar certas decisões.
O Sr. Aristides Gomes sabe que o Decreto que o exonerou vigora, e que a sua figura não passa, no contexto político nacional, de uma carta fora do baralho. E isso confirma-se pelo Decreto que nomeou o Dr. Faustino F. Imbali, que, entretanto, teve que pôr o seu lugar à disposição, não sendo, contudo, despachado o seu pedido até a presente data pelo Presidente da República.
O Sr. Aristides Gomes não tem margem de manobra perante o veredicto das urnas. Portanto, só quer aparecer em camisa de playboy e continuar a alimentar a ideia de alguma sobrevivência política, e ludibriar a opinião pública com "ameaças" de que em caso da perda eleitoral do seu candidato (Domingos Simões Pereira) iria apresentar a sua demissão aos órgãos do seu partido (o PAIGC)”.
Publicada por Bambaram di Padida
Posted by faladepapagaio.blogspot.com
segunda-feira, janeiro 06, 2020
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Message de félicitations du Chef de l’Etat à S.E Umaro Sissoco Embaló, Président élu de la République de Guinée-Bissau
Posted by faladepapagaio.blogspot.com
segunda-feira, janeiro 06, 2020
1 comentário:

Posted by faladepapagaio.blogspot.com
segunda-feira, janeiro 06, 2020
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Balanço de Eleições G- Bissau. Zela Melas de império quim ku train na trail palávras de Tontons Bà Luta.
Posted by faladepapagaio.blogspot.com
segunda-feira, janeiro 06, 2020
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73° EDIÇÃO: 05-01-2020 do debate sociopolítico. Acompanhe a partir das 21 h00 de Lisboa.
Temas em análise:
1 - Divulgação dos resultados provisórios e reclamação do candidato DSP junto do STJ.
2 - Que cenários políticos pós eleições.
um bem haja a tod@s.
Tcherno Balde
Posted by faladepapagaio.blogspot.com
segunda-feira, janeiro 06, 2020
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President Muhammadu Buhari on Sunday reiterated his desire for stability, peace, progress and prosperity in the entire West African sub-region.
Responding to Umaro Muhktar Sissoco Embalo, the President-elect of Guinea Bissau, who came to Nigeria on a “thank you visit” and to express his "good wishes" following his emergence as winner in the keenly contested, just-concluded elections in his country, President Buhari said, “Without stability, there can be no development. We will do whatever it will take to stabilize the sub-region.”
President Buhari commended the out-going President, José Mário Vaz, himself a candidate in the elections for supporting the emergence of Embalo in the second round of balloting “in the interest of peace and stability.”
He said history will remember President Mario Vaz for putting National interest above his own, emphasizing that he cared for peace within the region.
The Nigerian President expressed his desire for both countries to work together for the betterment of their peoples and reiterated his vision for peace, progress and prosperity in West Africa.
President-elect Embalo, a businessman-turned politician, was Prime Minister of Guinea Bissau under incumbent President Jose Mario Vaz between 2016 and 2018. He was a member of the ruling African Party of Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde (PAIGC) when he founded the Movement for Democratic Alternative (MADEM-G15) on which platform he won the elections.
He praised President Buhari for his support leading to his emergence as winner in the elections and expressed his appreciation for the warm and friendly disposition of Nigeria towards him and the people of his country.
He informed the Nigerian leader of his selection as the Guest of Honour at the Presidential inauguration coming up next month and for which he received assurances from President Buhari that he will make the best efforts to be present.
Garba Shehu
Senior Special Assistant to the President
(Media & Publicity)
January 5, 2020
Muhammadu Buhari
President Muhammadu Buhari on Sunday reiterated his desire for stability, peace, progress and prosperity in the entire West African sub-region.
Responding to Umaro Muhktar Sissoco Embalo, the President-elect of Guinea Bissau, who came to Nigeria on a “thank you visit” and to express his "good wishes" following his emergence as winner in the keenly contested, just-concluded elections in his country, President Buhari said, “Without stability, there can be no development. We will do whatever it will take to stabilize the sub-region.”
President Buhari commended the out-going President, José Mário Vaz, himself a candidate in the elections for supporting the emergence of Embalo in the second round of balloting “in the interest of peace and stability.”
He said history will remember President Mario Vaz for putting National interest above his own, emphasizing that he cared for peace within the region.
The Nigerian President expressed his desire for both countries to work together for the betterment of their peoples and reiterated his vision for peace, progress and prosperity in West Africa.
President-elect Embalo, a businessman-turned politician, was Prime Minister of Guinea Bissau under incumbent President Jose Mario Vaz between 2016 and 2018. He was a member of the ruling African Party of Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde (PAIGC) when he founded the Movement for Democratic Alternative (MADEM-G15) on which platform he won the elections.
He praised President Buhari for his support leading to his emergence as winner in the elections and expressed his appreciation for the warm and friendly disposition of Nigeria towards him and the people of his country.
He informed the Nigerian leader of his selection as the Guest of Honour at the Presidential inauguration coming up next month and for which he received assurances from President Buhari that he will make the best efforts to be present.
Garba Shehu
Senior Special Assistant to the President
(Media & Publicity)
January 5, 2020
Muhammadu Buhari
Posted by faladepapagaio.blogspot.com
segunda-feira, janeiro 06, 2020
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Recepção calorosa de presidente eleito da Guiné-Bissau General Umaro Sissoco Embalo, pelo presidente Mouhamed Buari da Nigéria.
O presidente eleito fez acompanhado pela ministra dos Negócios Estrangeiros e Comunidades Suzi Barbosa, na República Federativa da Nigéria.
Umaro El Mokthar Sissoco Embalo /Madem-G15/Sector Autónomo Bissau
A Diplomacia Presidencial!
Doutora Suzi Barbosa, atual Ministra dos Negócios Estrangeiros Da Cooperação Internacional e das Comunidades, no Governo líderado pelo Dr. Aristides Gomes, faz parte da caravana Presidencial do Presidente da República da Guiné-Bissau recém eleito nas presidenciais realizadas no passado dia domingo 29 de Dezembro de 2019, Umaro Sissoco Embaló, na sua Visita ao estrangeiro.
Posted by faladepapagaio.blogspot.com
segunda-feira, janeiro 06, 2020
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