The Animals Are So Strange You Won’t Believe They Are Real

The Animals Are So Strange You Won’t Believe They Are Real

The world is full of beautiful flora and fauna. Fauna or animals, as we usually call them, have adapted to live in every ecosystem on the planet. Some reside solely in the water, while others are land dwellers. Each of these animals is unique in its own right. However, some are so special that they look like they don’t even belong on this planet. They have adapted in such a way that their coloring is vibrant, or their snouts are oddly shaped to allow them to survive in certain climates. Keep scrolling to see some of the oddest, yet most striking animals found on the Earth.

South America’s Pacu Fish
South America is home to several unique species in the form of medicinal trees only found in certain parts of the Amazon rainforest and certain species of predatory fish. The pacu fish is one of these unique fish that can be found in freshwater.

The body looks similar to that of a piranha, but the teeth are rather different. Instead of needle-sharp teeth, the pacu has humanoid teeth. The teeth look more like molars than those designed to tear meat apart. As the teeth are more like a human’s, the pacu tends to eat a plant-based diet, unless some easy to catch critters swim by them.

The Pacific Dugong
When you hear the phrase ‘sea cow’, you typically think of the manatee. In the Pacific ocean, however, there exists something called the dugong. This is another species of the sea cow, which has a very different facial structure than that of the manatee.

They only eat seagrass, and as they are enormous, they typically need to eat over 100 pounds of it a day to stay alive. That means they can be seen grazing in the oceans for hours upon hours should any divers happen to swim by them. Like the cows you find on land, these dugongs are really only concerned with finding their next meal.

South America’s Poodle Moth
Large countries in South America tend to contain some of the rarest species of flora and fauna in the world. The poodle moth, which is characterized by a rather fluffy exterior with big luminous eyes, is one of these.

It is found in Venezuela, and can often be seen perching on cotton and other similar plan varieties. Scientists are still unsure of what species of moth this poodle moth belongs to, or if it is its own unique one.

The Eurasian Saiga Antelope
The Saiga antelope looks like it is something out of a Star Wars movie. The snout has been designed to make foraging for food easier. One of the reasons that the Saiga looks like it is almost prehistoric is because it has been around since the Pleistocene era.

That makes this one of the oldest and most endangered species on this list. Climate change has greatly affected the population of these antelope, as they need cold temperatures to survive.

The Indian Purple Frog
When you think about frogs, you imagine large bulbous eyes, and a wide gaping mouth going ribbit-ribbit. The purple frog, found only in India, looks nothing like the stereotypical frog. It has a large purple body and a tiny little head.

It does not make a traditional croaking sound because its mouth is simply too small. Some recipes for traditional Indian medicine actually call for the purple frog, which has made it much sought after and thus, endangered.

The Argentinian Pink Fairy Armadillo
Armadillo’s look like remnants from the time of dinosaurs. They aren’t big the way we know dinosaurs were, but their hard interlocking exoskeletons make them look like miniature dinosaurs.

The pink fairy armadillo is special because of the way it keeps its body warm. You see, its pink coloring isn’t just to make it look good, it also serves an essential purpose. Blood flow in the fairy armadillos’ exoskeleton gives this little guy his pink appearance, but it also keeps him warm. The size is also unique because it can fit within a human-sized hand.

The New Guinean Vogelkop Superb Bird Of Paradise
At first glance, this bird does not appear to be that abnormal. When the male Vogelkop superb bird of paradise is standing upright, you can see the electric blue underbelly, which matches its eyes.

However, the feathers that are pure black are what makes this bird unlike any other on the planet. The black absorbs nearly 100% of the light, which makes it appear to melt into its surroundings when it bends down and covers its blue belly.

The South American Umbonia Spinosa
These red, yellow, and green bugs with a giant thorn on their backs are beautiful to look at. They can camouflage themselves on various plants, which keeps them safe from any roaming insect eaters.

However, they are known for attacking their plants of choice. They have a small piercing mouth, which they use to break through the stems on plants, and gain access to the sap inside. The sap is what they feed off of.

The African Shoebill
The shoebill is found in swampy areas of East Africa, especially in Sudan and Zambia. Its beak, which places it within the same family as storks, is shaped like a shoe.

This shape helps them to shovel up any prey that they come across. Often, they can be seen standing stock still in swamps waiting for a fish to swim by that looks particularly tasty. At this point, the shoebill swings into action, and the two and a half meter wingspan can be seen.

The Leafy Sea-Dragon
This may look like something out of an Avatar remake but this is actually one of nature’s most beautiful marine fish. This leafy sea-dragon really lives up to its name, and its leaf-like fins delicately move as the animal floats passed.

Native to the South-Western coast of Australia, the leafy sea-dragon (also called the Glauert’sseadragon) is a weedlike fish that uses its leafy appearance to mimic brightly colored seaweed. By mimicking the surrounding plant life this little guy is able to stay safe and avoid being eaten by predators. It’s unique camouflage also makes them difficult to spot by any passing divers.

The Quagga
This odd-looking zebra/donkey hybrid is native to South Africa…at least it was until European settlers overhunted the animal and caused its extinction. Amazingly the Quagga is now back after scientists were able to use selective breeding and DNA technology to breed a new herd.

Today this zebra-cousin roams the plains once again and they are now a protective species. The Quagga is unique because like a zebra it has stripes on the front of its body while it has brown coloring on its hind legs. It is amazing how something that was once extinct can be brought back to life.

The Satanic Leaf-tailed Gecko
Don’t be fooled by this little guy, while he may look like a pile of dried leaves this is actually a tiny gecko native to the island of Madagascar. The satanic leaf-tailed gecko uses its unique coloring and shape to mimic decaying leaves in its surroundings to avoid predators.

While most of these little creatures are often shaded in different browns to match dead leaves, they do also come in a variety of other colors, including shades of purple and orange. Their tails are shaped exactly like a dried leaf and if they need to they shed their tails to mimic a dead leaf falling from the tree. They are called satanic because when their camouflage fails they tend to open their mouths to show off their bright red mouths and large teeth.

Nembrotha Cristata
This funny-looking animal is actually a rare and colorful sea slug that lives n the coral reefs of the Indo-Pacific ocean around the Philippines. The Nembrotha cristata is black with bright aquamarine markings and grows to approximately 50 mm in length.

This tiny little slug is brightly colored to scare away predators and they usually only have a lifespan of about a year. While this beautiful creature has a pair of cabbage looking wings on its back, these are purely for decoration and the slug usually gets around by crawling.

Honduran White Bats
These funny looking bats are extremely small and they often nest together to keep warm. When they do their small size and white fur makes them look like tiny cotton balls up in the treetops.

The Honduran white bats live mainly in the rainforests of Central America and these tiny little cotton puffs spend most of their time nesting under leaves. The bats have a unique nose that is developed to help them hunt and eat.

The Barreleye
This weird looking fish with the transparent head lives in the inky darkness of the deep ocean where there is hardly any light. What’s most curious about this fish is that its eyes are so well developed to capture light in the pitch black that the fish can either look straight ahead or roll its eyes up and look through its see-through skull.

The two spots above the fish’s mouth that look like eyes are actually the fish’s nose. The green orbs inside the fish’s head are the fishes actual eyes. Here the green eyes are pointed up because the fish is scanning the water above for prey.

Sumatran Rhinoceros
This rare rhino cannot be found along the plains of Africa. Instead, these funny-looking cousins to the African rhino can be found in Indonesia. These rhinos are almost extinct and today very few remain.

What’s so unique about these rhinos is their head shape and fur. Unlike African rhinos, the Sumatran rhino has small horns that look like bumps and an elongated head. Also unlike its African cousins, this rhino has dense brown fur that grows on the animal. The fur is soft and dense and gives the animal a warm coat.

The South American Maned Wolf
This wolf looks like a hybrid between a dog and a fox. It has extremely long legs and a narrow upper body. While it is a carnivore, it tends to shy away from human settlements, which can make it harder to see in the wild.

Even though it is not big like North American wolves, it can still reach weights of about 30 kilograms. This makes it the biggest canine species found on the continent of South America.

The South American Mata Mata Turtle
This turtle looks like it may not be alive at first glance, but that is because it is such an ancient species. It is found in the Amazon rainforest and is actually known to be quite vicious.

It can swing its thorny head from side to side, which can swipe away any attacking predators. It can only survive in freshwater, which means it tends to be found within the Amazon basin. It does not like fast-moving water.

The Madagascar Aye-Aye
The aye-aye is actually a member of the lemur family. Still, it does not look like the cuddly version that can often be seen sitting on its haunches on roads. It hunts at night and tends to attack trees.

Once it has managed to make a hole within a tree, it stretches its long fingers inside the hole and digs out any rodents and grubs that are living within it. As it looks like something out of a nightmare, it was thought to be bad luck.

The Madagascar Lowland Streaked Tenrec
Another animal native to Madagascar is the lowland streaked tenrec. This little critter actually shares some similarities to a porcupine, as it is covered in spines to protect it from predators.

They tend to just wander around the forest, digging with their clawed feet and foraging for food. There are over 30 different types of tenrecs within their species, but only 5 of them have been reported as having quills.

The Galapagos Red-Lipped Batfish
While this fish is not known for its swimming abilities, it is definitely known for its red-lipped pout. It looks like someone put some bright red lipstick on this fish and then released it back into the wild.

This fish is a bottom dweller and tends to crawl across the ocean floor in search of prey. The red of its mouth acts to attract the prey, which then makes it easy for them to catch. They are not very good swimmers.

The Blue Dragon
This has to be one of the most beautiful creatures that mother nature ever created. It was known as the Glaucus Atlanticus and is not a dragon but a sea slug. The vibrant blue pattern on its shell allows it to camouflage itself and float amongst sea currents.

It can also be found on man-o-war jellyfish where it can then eat some of the sea fauna that the jellyfish eat. The blue dragon looks like something that would be seen in a fantasy movie, not just floating leisurely in the pacific ocean.

The Southeast Asian Sunda Colugo
This might look like a lemur, but it is not. Its red speckled body is beautiful, and this coloring is used to blend into the trees that the Sunda Colugo lives in.

Instead of jumping from tree to tree like a monkey, it is similar to a flying squirrel and can glide from branch to branch. They can actually glide around 450 feet in the air, which is pretty impressive, considering they don’t have wings.

The Japanese Spider Crab
If you thought the king crab was big, then you have never seen the Japanese spider crab. Its body is the size of a small dog, and its legs are taller than a man.

A lot of these crabs surround Japan and live in the ocean there. As the Japanese enjoy seafood, the spider crab is prized for its meat. It is incorporated into many dishes and is considered to be special meat. If you ever go to Japan, be sure to try it!

The North American Star-Nosed Mole
By nature, moles are underground earth dwellers. They like to tunnel through the soil and create vast networks of connecting tunnels that only they know how to get through. The star-nosed mole is unique, though. Its snout is literally in the shape of many pointed stars.

The little finger-like protrusions which are on the nose work as fingers for the mole, and they help them to catch prey. As the nose has its own set of fingers, the mole is also known for being able to sniff out and eat whatever it catches in around 10 seconds. Imagine having a bowl of cereal, and being able to eat it in less than a minute.

The Southeast Asian Tarsier
The tarsier, with its large eyes, looks like it could be a stuffed animal. It actually belongs to the primate family and has long been thought to be bad for farming in Southeast Asia. That is because there is a myth that they eat the crops.

In reality, these little guys actually spend their time catching insects, which can spread disease amongst crops, and lizards, which might eat the actual crops. Those all-seeing eyes cannot move at all. So for this little guy to look around, the Tarsier has evolved like owls have. Like owls, Tarsiers can turn their heads almost 360-degrees and view all of their surroundings.

The Indonesian Proboscis Monkey
As the name suggests, the proboscis monkey has a huge nose. The nose on these guys can clock-in at around 7 inches in length. Supposedly, the longer and more pronounced a male proboscis’ nose is, the more virile he is to the female monkeys in the species.

This has yet to be proven, but it must be fascinating to study. The proboscis is an Old World monkey, which means that their origins are different than those of the New World.

The South American Uakari
Baboons are known for having rather colorful backsides, but the uakari is the complete opposite. Hailing from the rainforests of Brazil and Peru, the uakari is characterized by a bright red face.

It is also much smaller than a lot of other New World monkeys. It can be found in trees, often feasting on fruits and other small insects. Most monkeys have tails that are longer than their bodies, but the uakari only has a short one.

The African Hammer-Headed Bat
When you think about bats, you usually imagine the small little guys that hang upside down in caves and use sonar to get around in the dark. The hammer-headed bat, which is found in African countries situated along the equator, is nothing like this.

It has a large bulbous nose in which it can emit a honking cry from, as this is the mating call for female hammer-heads. It has a short torso, but each wing is about a foot and a half long, which makes for a rather large bat.

The Sunfish
This fish may be called the Ocean Sunfish, but it looks like it really needs a tan. This massive fish can weigh up for 1000 kilogram and while from the side they look large their massive bodies are actually quite flat.

These giant fish are native to tropical waters and while they are considered a delicacy in some parts of the world, these massive fish are dangerous predators. The Sunfish eat and hunt everything from smalled fish to jellyfish and the only animals that can eat the Sunfish are sharks and killer whales.

The North American Greater Sage-Grouse
This bird is found in Alberta and Saskatchewan in Canada, along with a few Western regions of the United States. It appears to be carrying two eggs on its chest, but these are actually sacs that are used to make a unique mating call.

The sacs almost act like bubble wrap and make a pop sound when the grouse is ready to attract a female. Its unique spiky appearance is also used to woo potential mating partners.

Top 10 Most Beautiful Cities In Nigeria

Lagos is the most populous and lively city in Nigeria. 

This list of the top 10 most beautiful cities in Nigeria consists cities which are probably some of the best beautiful cities around in Africa as well.

These cities are also located in the most beautiful states in Nigeria and have been the best places for tourists in Nigeria. Considering the wealth of the nation, we can also make the assumption that these cities are the richest cities in Nigeria.

CBN Headquarters, Abuja

If you ever find yourself in any of these popular Nigerian cities, you wouldn’t resist the lure of taking photos taking photos of some of the most beautiful places you will ever find. These cities are widely spread across the six geopolitical zones and most of them are located in state capitals.

It is definitely not surprising since a lot of funds are usually pumped into keeping state capitals clean and beautiful all year-long and we have taken the time to travel around to narrow down the most beautiful cities in Nigeria to the top 10.

Abuja City

Let me present to you the comprehensive list of the top 10 most beautiful cities in Nigeria regardless of the order:



Abuja, the Federal Capital Territory of Nigeria, is one of the best when it comes to  well-developed and organised cities in Nigeria. Some call it the finest city in Nigeria. It is the Washing DC of Nigeria.

It became the Federal Capital Territory in December 1991.

From beautiful government infrastructure to five-star hotels, king-sized road network, amazing bridges, restaurants and lots more. In Abuja, you can definitely experience a different kind of sightseeing that you may not find elsewhere in Nigeria.

Abuja has a grand master plan for what the city would look like in the nearest future with great plans for international shopping centres, 7-star hotels, and an African Disney world, you definitely haven’t seen Nigeria’s beauty if are yet to visit Abuja.


Lagos is the most populous and lively city in Nigeria.

Lagos is the largest city in Africa and is also a major financial centre on the African continent; it also houses one of the largest and busiest ports on the continent.

Whether for business or pleasure, Lagos remains one of the best sought after cities in the world.

Lagos stands out for excellence, commerce, fun and relaxation in Nigeria. It is a major metropolis in the country and a mega-city as for Africa due to the good road network, several tall buildings, and skyscrapers along with a fine blend between the slums and highbrow urban areas make Lagos one of the top 10 most beautiful cities in Nigeria.

The abundance of water has given rise to places like Bar beach, Lekki beach, Badagry beach, Eleko Beach, Elegushi, & Alpha beach. Lagos is the place to be when you talk about nightlife, restaurants, carnivals, road network, hotels, amusement parks, and lots more.


Tourist attraction centres like the famous Obudu Cattle and Tinapa Resort have placed Calabar on our list of beautiful cities in Nigeria. Unique for its indigenous Calabar soup, one can say that Calabar is indeed the Canaan city.

Calabar is undeniably clean and it stands to reason considering the number of visitors that flock the city all year round.

Every year, Calabar hosts Africa’s biggest street party known as the Calabar Carnival, where diverse colourful cultural costumes are displayed. Plan to attend the next Calabar carnival.


Uyo is one of the best cities in Nigeria with well structured road networks, first class hotels, upbeat nightlife, are few of the reasons why some have crowned Uyo has the most beautiful city in Nigeria. Pay Uyo a visit, then cast your vote.


Enugu is the coal city, but there is nothing black about the city. This top Nigerian city is filled with life and colour emanating from its beautifully planned architecture and a social life like no other.

The magic of the city is very captivating with places like the Ngwo Pine forest, Eziagu tourism complex, Ani Ozalla Lake, Iva valley coal mine, Awhum waterfall, and other attractions awaiting your visit.

The road network in Enugu is second to none and the city is heavily commercialised and boasts a bubbling nightlife.

There are also lots of luxury hotels in Enugu to lay your head. So, what’s keeping you from visiting?



Port Harcourt is known for its record-breaking late night activities and entertainment scene. There are several hotels, lounges, clubs, dance bars and restaurants spread out around the city. The mesmerizing greenery in the city has earned it its title, “ Garden City”. It is indeed one of the best in Nigeria.

Let’s not forget that it is one of the wealthiest cities in Nigeria, so cast your imagination wide as you visit the oil-rich city to experience its magic.


Owerrihouses tourist attractions like the Oguta Lake, Ada palm plantation, Mbari cultural and art centre amongst many others. The city is beautiful with good night life and lighting. The landscape is well laid out and the structures are an embellishment to attractive natural elements.


Kaduna city is the most beautiful Nigerian city in the northern part of the country. This beautiful Nigerian city is home to Kajuru Castle – built in a similar manner to European castles, Kajuru is a tourist attraction center in Nigeria and Africa’s best-kept secret. In total contrast to the way reporters and media channels have blown the insecurity in Kaduna out of proportion, the city continues to be a major travel destination for daring tourists. Most especially those who want to catch up with the culture of the north. Being the third largest city in Nigeria by land mass, Kaduna is characterised by scattered short trees, shrubs and grasses which are responsible for the lush greenery vegetation cover.


Akure City is a top city in south-western Nigeria, and is the largest city and capital of Ondo State, Nigeria and became a Millennium City in 2006. Some of the Akure’s major assets include the presence of several federal universities, immense mineral potential, rocks and beautiful landscapes, cocoa farms, and a deep-sea container port nearby.


Warri which is located in delta state is the home of the Wafarians and it sits on the bank of River Warri which joins River Forcados and River Escravos through Jone Creek in the lower Niger Delta Region.

There are various tourist sites to visit while in Warri including the Nana Living History Museum, Red Mangrove swamp, Abraka Golf Course, 911 Resorts, Warri City Stadium, Delta City Mall, Olu’s Palace all linked by a very high standard Road network.

Teeming with remarkable ancient memorials its coastal shores are speckled with pretty seashells and the surrounding towns forming glorious backdrops with dramatic scenery. Warri is indeed one of the top 10 most beautiful cities in Nigeria without doubt.


Inovação e Tecnologia - Conheça a incrível ponte que termina num túnel embaixo do mar

A Ponte Oresund é um dos maiores feitos da engenharia moderna

Imagine o nível de complexidade envolvendo a criação de uma longa ponte, para tráfego intenso de veículos e trens sobre o mar. Pra complicar ainda mais a vida do engenheiro, a ponte deve desembocar em um túnel sob as águas! A obra existe e atende pelo nome de Ponte Oresund, um dos maiores feitos da engenharia moderna, ligando a Dinamarca à Suécia de uma forma absolutamente incrível.

Entrada do túnel "submerso" da Oresund Bridge: um dos maiores feitos da engenharia moderna

Essa construção extrema envolve todo o complexo de Oresund Fixed Link, que conecta as cidades de Malmö, na Suécia, a Copenhage, na Dinamarca. Partindo de Copenhagen, os motoristas passam primeiramente pelo impressionantetúnel submerso com 4km de comprimento. Em seguida, volta-se ao nível do mar sobre Peberholm, que é uma ilha artificial construída a partir dos materiais descartados durante a construção. Em seguida, chega-se propriamente à ponte, que é estaiada e possui 8km de extensão.

É, portanto, a maior ponte estaiada do mundo, considerando o tráfego de veículos e trens. A construção teve início em 1995 e terminou em 1999. O seu custo foi de aproximadamente 5,7 bilhões de dólares.

Veja agora nos vídeo a seguir imagens dessa extraordinária “ponte-túnel”.

1. Vídeo com vista aérea da ponte, gravado em um AirBus:

2. Vídeo com outras vistas áreas da ponte:

3. Rápido vídeo jornalístico sobre a ponte:

4. Vídeo gravado a bordo de um veículo, cruzando todo o complexo:

5. Documentário completo sobre a construção da ponte:

Por Marcelo Albuquerque

Dia Mundial do Meio Ambiente 5 de Junho

5 de junho é o #DiaMundialdoMeioAmbiente e o tema desse ano é #CombataAPoluiçãodoAr.

Junte-se à ONU Meio Ambiente e à comunidade global na celebração se engajando. Que tal organizar um evento que ajude a limpar nosso ar?

9 em cada 10 pessoas no mundo respiram ar poluído. Isso causa 7 milhões de mortes prematuras anualmente. Nós devemos #CombaterAPoluiçãodoAr.

Faça a diferença no #DiaMundialDoMeioAmbiente este ano e #CombataAPoluiçãoDoAr

  • Plante árvores 
  • Recolha o lixo
  • Locomova-se sem poluir.
  • Compartilhe sua ação aqui:

Quer fazer parte da campanha #CombataAPoluiçãoDoAr para o #DiaMundialDoMeioAmbiente, mas não sabe por onde começar? Os guias práticos da #ONUMeioAmbiente podem orientá-lo a encontrar a solução certa para você ou sua organização:

A poluição atmosférica prejudica a nossa saúde e a nosso lar.

Neste #DiaMundialDoMeioAmbiente, a @ONUMeioAmbiente está mobilizando a comunidade global para tomar medidas para #CombaterAPoluiçãoDoAr. Saiba mais sobre esta questão crítica e como você pode participar:

Ninguém está a salvo da poluição atmosférica. Você sabe quais as fontes e tipos de poluição?

Explore essas e outras questões que afetam nosso ar. #CombataAPoluiçãoDoAr para o #DiaMundialDoMeioAmbiente com a @ONUMeioAmbiente

Fonte: ONU na Guiné-Bissau

55 Ways To Repel Pests

Keeping bugs away from your home and yard during the warm summer months might at first seem like a monumental task. Luckily, you have some DIY remedies at your disposal. These hacks are some easy ways to keep pests out of your yard and home.

1) Use Borax to Get Rid of Cockroaches
Cockroaches are known as hardy creatures, but they are no match for borax. To kill cockroaches, boil six eggs and get rid of the whites. Mash up the yolks and add 2.5 ounces of borax to the mixture. Then add half a cup to a full cup of white sugar or enough sugar until it is no longer crumbly. Your mixture should have a dough-like consistency. Leave little balls of the dough around your home for the cockroaches to eat.

2) Use a Lemon-Scented Spray to Get Rid of Fruit Flies
Gnats and fruit flies don’t like the smell of lemon and so will avoid it at all costs. For best results, mix 2 cups of hot water and 10-15 drops of lemongrass oil in a clean spray bottle. Then spray onto your kitchen surfaces. To keep the critters from gnawing on your plants, mix 4 cups of water and 2 cups of lemon scented dish soap, then spray your infested plants.

3) Put Your Food in Containers
Bugs love to go after our yummy food. So, you’ll want to put all your food and beverages in well-sealed coolers and containers when not in use. If possible, try to serve your food and beverage inside and use outdoor spaces for eating and entertaining.

4) Use Onions to Deter Pests
No one likes the smell of onions, including bugs. Try slicing some up and putting them in a bowl of water to keep bugs away. You can also plant onions in your yard.

5) Seal and Isolate Your Garbage Cans
Toss garbage in tightly sealed garbage cans. Be sure to place the garbage cans away from guests. Bugs tend to hang out near garbage cans, so you want to keep your guests separate from the bugs.

6) Use Diatomaceous Earth to Get Rid of Ants
Food-grade diatomaceous earth is fossilized marine phytoplankton remains that are powdered. It’s sharp edges cut through the exoskeletons of ants and dry them out, killing them. You can sprinkle it where ants enter and hang out in your home like windowsills, under the refrigerator and cabinets, near the garbage and other areas. Leave a thin layer once a day until they are gone.

7) Clean Up Messes Promptly
Don’t get it later, get it now. If someone spills something or you see a pile of crumbs, make sure you clean it up ASAP. If not, you’ll find some new unwanted insect guests at your BBQ.

8) Plan Your Outdoor Activities to Account for Pests
Mosquitoes like to come out at dusk and dawn. So you’ll want to plan your outdoor cooking accordingly. Citronella is known to keep them away, as is garlic, and lemon eucalyptus oil. Check out the following video to find out how to make your own citronella candles.

9) Avoid Wearing Scents Outdoors
Some bugs, like yellow jackets, are attracted to floral and fruity fragrances. So, you want to keep things like scented shampoos, perfumes, and scented candles to a minimum when you’re outside. Otherwise, you’re pretty much just asking winged creatures to join you.

10) Use Clear Plates and Cups
If possible, use clear plates or cups. This will make it easier to see any bugs that are invading your food or drink. What’s even better is those clear plastic tumblers with tops that you can get from the dollar store.

11) Use Cinnamon to Deter Pests
Cinnamon not only tastes good but it will keep the bugs away. Sprinkle a line of cinnamon where bugs are invading. They won’t cross it. You can even use this to keep bugs out of the sandbox.

12) Place Dryer Sheets in Your Pockets
You might want to hand out dryer sheets at your next BBQ. Some say that putting these in your pockets will repel bugs. Learn how to make your own at Wellness Mama.

13) Rinse Food and Drink Garbage Before Throwing it Away
All empty food and drink containers should be rinsed before they are disposed of. This will keep pests from smelling the food and flocking to it.

14) Avoid Wearing Dark Colors
Most of us wear light-colored clothing in the summer to stay cool. But this can also help keep bugs at bay. Insects are said to be attracted to darker colors.

15) Build a Bat House
Consider building a bat house. Bats are known to eat 1,000 to 3,000 mosquitoes in one night. You can learn how to make one in the following tutorial but make sure you research all the facts on this and figure out the best place to put one on your property.

16) Remove Standing water
Mosquitoes love to breed in pools of standing water. So make sure you drain and get rid of stagnant pools of water in your yard. If you have a birdbath or pond make sure you change the water regularly or add an agitator or aerator.

17) Use Borax to Get Rid of Fleas
Borax kills fleas and their eggs for up to a year. Dust and vacuum up as much dirt as you can. Sprinkle some borax on your carpet, the creases in your furniture, closet, and places your pet hangs out. Brush it into your carpet with a small hand broom. Vacuum up anywhere you still find visible borax. Let the borax sit for 36 hours and then vacuum it up to get rid of the dead fleas.

18) Use Borax to Get Rid of Ants
Since worker ants eat liquids and the queen and her babies eat solids, you have to mix up two remedies to end your ant infestation. For solid ant bait, combine one part borax and three parts powdered sugar. Sprinkle this mixture onto flat surfaces for the worker ants to take to the queen. For a liquid bait, combine 1/4 cup of borax and 3/4 cup of honey or maple syrup. Drop globs of this onto an ant trail or anywhere you see ants coming in.

19) Anything that has food on it or touched food should be covered. In addition, they should be brought inside immediately after they are no longer in use. This includes dishware, serving forks and spoons, and grill tongs.

20) Use Vinegar to Get Rid of Ants
Get a spray bottle and pour in equal parts of water and distilled vinegar along with a few drops of lemon essential oil. Shake it up and spray in places where ants accumulate and enter your home. They hate the smell of vinegar and will avoid it.

21) Use Cinnamon to Get Rid of Ants
Take a half of a teaspoon of cinnamon essential oil and mix it in with a cup of water. Wet a cotton ball with the mixture and swab areas where you’ve seen ants every day. Ants can’t stand the smell of it and will avoid it. You can also place cinnamon cloves in areas, like windows and doors, to prevent the ants from coming into your home.

22) Use Peppermint to Get Rid of Ants
Ants also hate peppermint because it prevents them from being able to smell other smells. Pour 10 drops of peppermint essential oil in a spray bottle filled with a cup of water. Spray this mixture twice daily to repel ants. Another alternative is sprinkling dried peppermint around your home, garbage areas, doors, entryways, or in your garden.

23) Use Baby Powder to Get Rid of Ants
Baby powder is a great way to eliminate your ant problem. More importantly, it’s very safe and humane. Many of the ant-killing products you find in the stores contain borax, which can be a harmful chemical, especially if you own pets. Sprinkle a bit of baby powder wherever you have ants. It’s a bit messy, but your ant problem will immediately disappear. Then, vacuum the area afterward to clean up the mess.

24) Plant a Citronella Plant to Repel Mosquitoes
Citronella oil is a common ingredient in most bug repellents. It has a strong odor which masks mosquito attractants. You can plant citronella in large pots. They typically grow up to 5 to 6 feet tall, so make sure you have ample space in your yard. For more details on how to grow citronella, please click here.

25) Plant a Basil plant to Deter Mosquitoes
Basil is a great herb for cooking, especially with pasta, but it turns out, basil is a great mosquito repellent. Basil is one of the most pungent herbs, and it gives off a scent that mosquitoes really dislike. Therefore, planting basil is a win-win. Not only do you get a great mosquito repellent, but you also get a natural herb to use for cooking. For more details on how to grow basil, please click here.

26) Keep a Peppermint Plant Nearby to Keep Away Mosquitoes
Peppermint is more than just a flavor of gum or body wash. It’s got a great scent, and it is also a natural insecticide. If you see mosquitoes in your home or backyard, crush a few peppermint leaves to release the scent and scare them away. For more details on how to grow peppermint, please click here.

27) Use a Lemon Balm Plant to Deter Mosquitoes
While lemon balm is typically known for its healing properties, it’s great for attracting known pollinators such as bees and butterflies – pollinators are must for any garden! – and for repelling mosquitoes. To quickly scare away mosquitoes, crush a lemon balm in your hand and rub it on your exposed skin. Mosquitoes will leave you alone. Be sure to grow lemon balm in an easy-to-reach location. That way, you can grab a leaf to use whenever you need it. To learn how to grow lemon balm, please click here.

28) Plant a Lavender Plant to Keep Away Mosquitoes
Mosquitoes absolutely hate lavender. The scent has the added benefit of promoting a calm, soothing sensation while it keeps those pesky mosquitoes away from your home. You can repel mosquitoes by planting lavender around the home, or you can crush the leaves and rub the oil on your exposed skin. Either work! To learn how to grow lavender, please click here.

29) Use Catnip to Keep Mosquitoes at Bay
Catnip is a welcome addition to any garden – your cats will thank you for it. It’s widely considered as one of the best natural insect repellents. Catnip contains a chemical known as nepetalactone. The best part: catnip is relatively easy to grow. To learn how to grow catnip, please click here.

30) Use Apple Cider Vinegar to Get Rid of Fruit Flies
Apple cider vinegar really is a miracle remedy. Gnats and fruit flies are already attracted to the stuff but heat up 1/2 a cup and they won’t be able to resist it! Add a few drops of dish soap to make the liquid heavier, and therefore harder to escape.

31) Use Red Wine to Get Rid of Fruit Flies
Combine 1/2 cup red wine with 1 1/2 cups water and pour into a jar. Cover the top of the jar with plastic wrap, poke some holes in it, and place the jar where you see fruit flies congregating the most. You may have to empty the jar a few times and create a new solution, depending on the severity of your problem.

32) Use a Mixture of Milk, Pepper, and Sugar to Get Rid of Fruit Flies
If you have extra dairy on hand, heat up two cups of milk, and then add 8 tablespoons of sugar and 4 tablespoons of ground pepper. Then just leave the mixture in a shallow dish near the problem area. The pests will flight right in, but because the mixture is heavy, they won’t be able to get out.

33) Use Overripe Food in Your Trap to Get Rid of Fruit Flies
What better way to attract gnats and fruit flies to your trap than by putting what they love most at the bottom of it: fruits and veggies! You may need a larger jar for this solution to work, but the concept is the same: smash up the fruit gone or leave it whole, and set out where fruit flies tend to congregate in your home.

34) Repair Any Holes in Screens
One of the main ways bugs slip in our home is through screen holes. So, you’ll want to check all the screens in your homes for holes. If you find one, make sure you repair it right away as demonstrated in the following video.

35) Use a Bag of Water With Pennies Inside to Deter Flies
To make this ingenious fly deterrent, fill a heavy-duty freezer bag with water, table salt, lime juice, and add a few pennies. Hang the bag above a door or anywhere you have a fly problem. Make sure the bag is hanging in a place where it can reflect light. When the water and the coins reflect back into the flies eyes, it causes an unpleasant sight and causes them to have a hard time focusing on where they are flying. The flies eventually learn to avoid the area.

36) Use Citrus to Repel Spiders
To keep spiders away from your living space, mix water and unsweetened lemon juice in a spray bottle. Next, wipe your counters, and spray your doorways and windowsills to keep them outside. In the garden, spread lemon, lime, or orange peels to deter spiders.

37) Use a Fake Wasp Nest to Drive Away Wasps
You can use a fake wasp nest, sold at many retail and home improvement stores, to keep these territorial insects out of your yard. Put one in the front and back yard to ensure that wasps stay away.

38) Use Salt to Get Rid of Fleas
If you have fleas, sprinkle a little salt on your carpeting and allow it to sit overnight. The salt dries them up, killing them. The next day, vacuum your carpet to remove the salt and the now dead fleas.

39) Use Mint Leaves to Repel Moths
To repel moths, place a handful of dried mint leaves in a sachet and place it among your clothing. You can also place loose leaves in your clothing for the same effect.

40) Place Sliced Cucumber to get Rid of Ants and Flies
Sliced cucumber is a great deterrent for both flies and ants. Just leave the slices in areas that these two pests like to frequent in your home to keep them far away.

41) Hang air curtains
Another great way to keep mosquitos and other flying nuisances from bothering you is to hang air curtains. They’re super easy to install as well as maintain. Hanging these at entrances or outdoor hang-out areas will ensure your space is bug-free.

42) Make bug repellent luminaries
Make amazing scented luminaries for your backyard or patio with this simple recipe. Not only will they keep pesky insects away but they smell absolutely incredible too. Check out the ingredients below and instructions here – so easy!

43) Crush garlic
“You can repel mosquitoes naturally with minced or crushed garlic. The naturally occurring sulfur in the garlic will send not only mosquitoes, but ticks, stink bugs, fleas, and black flies away. It repels mosquitoes well,” says Tips Bulletin. Make a homemade mosquito spray by mixing mineral oil, 4 cloves of garlic, 1 tsp. of dish soap, and some water.

44) Get a fire pit
The smoke from fires is a great way to repel mosquitos and other insects. Invest in or create a fire pit in your yard to have your very own campfire during the evenings. Perfect for family gatherings while staying bite-free.

45) Vanilla extract on cotton balls
Instead of using stinky things like garlic or onions to deter pests, try some vanilla extract as an alternative. Place vanilla extract on some cotton balls and put them in window sills or cupboards.

46) Cool off and relax
Did you know that bugs are attracted to certain hormones and pheromones we release? It’s true! But these chemicals are only released when we’re stressed out or hot. So, keep cool by wearing proper clothing and staying hydrated. As for stressing out? Keep it indoors?

47) Use turmeric to deter spiders
“Turmeric is something you should use when cooking frequently as it offers a wealth of health benefits, but it’s also great for driving spiders away. To use it, combine 2 tablespoons of the powder with water to make a fine paste, and then apply the paste to cotton balls and place them in areas of your home that are prone to spiders. Whatever you do, don’t apply the paste directly to your furnishings, walls, floors, etc., as turmeric stains are extremely difficult to remove,” says Natural Living Ideas.

48) Bay leaf sachets
Bay leaf is an often underestimated and overlooked herb in both cooking and practical uses. It has a bitter taste and pungent fragrance, you can use it to deter insects like moths, roaches, earwigs, and mosquitos. Just crunch up some bay leaves and place in a cheesecloth, then tie with string or ribbon. Hang or hide them wherever you see insects.

49) Wear coconut oil
Coconut oil is an absolutely incredible ingredient for so many things when it comes to cooking, beauty, and health – as well as repelling insects! Use coconut oil as a natural bug repellent for the skin. Plus? It smells great and is super hydrating.

50) Plant marigolds
Plant marigolds in your garden and hang or display them wherever you like to sit and relax outside. This gorgeous flower isn’t just pretty look at, but it also will ward off mosquitos! Not to mention, they keep your garden healthy by preventing spider mites, aphids, and other veggie pests.

51) Clean your gutters
“Mosquitoes can breed in even tiny amounts of water. To prevent your yard from becoming Club Med for these itch-inducing pests, drill holes in the bottom of recycling and trash containers and clear roof gutters regularly to prevent standing water. Change out the water in birdbaths at least once weekly to clear out mosquito eggs,” says Prevention.

52) Shower after being outdoors
It’s been shown that people who showered within a couple of hours from being in the yard had a drastically lower risk of developing Lyme disease. This is because a shower can knock a tick off the skin before it has time to burrow into the skin. Of course, you don’t have to shower every single time you go outside, only when you’re tick-prone areas like high grass, woodpiles, and brush.

53) Hang rosemary to repel wasps
Wasps are so annoying (and scary!) when you’re trying to enjoy a nice meal outside (they love meat by the way). Deter them by hanging sprigs of rosemary around your backyard and patio. It smells great, looks pretty, and works like a charm!

54) Always check your armpits
If you’re in a high-tick area, you’ll want to make sure you always thoroughly check for this nasty bug every time you’re walking around in brush or tall grass. Be sure to make your armpits a regular check-up area as well. It’s a commonly overlooked place.

55) Fix leaks to keep silverfish away
“Silverfish thrive in moist, humid environments, so if you see them in your home, you’ve likely got a moisture problem. Fix water leaks, increase ventilation, and seal openings around pipes and gaps in the walls. Finally, vacuum the infested area—including the floor and furniture—to make sure there are no eggs left behind,” says Prevention.

Bugs are literally a pain in the neck and other areas during the summer. They invade your home and backyard gatherings, seemingly without mercy. Fortunately, keeping pests away from you and your family is as easy as using these home remedies.

By Jenny Brown
Jenny Brown is a senior writer at Shareably. She is based in San Francisco and can be reached at

Conheça 40 Animais Únicos Que Não Parecem Reais
Estes animais bizarros e únicos dão-lhe um vislumbre aproximado e pessoal da diversidade da vida no nosso planeta.

1) Porco Mangalitsa
A maioria dos porcos têm pelo curto e grosso da mesma cor do corpo, mas os Mangalitsas são exceção a esta regra. Estes porcos húngaros têm uma impressionante camada de pelo grosso semelhante à lã da ovelha. Estes híbridos de porco e ovelha são realmente únicos.

2) Pichiciego-menor
A espécie mais pequena de tatu, o tatu-fada-rosa é mais conhecido pela sua armadura superior. Proveniente da Argentina Central, este animal de aspeto estranho habita áreas arenosas e sai apenas de noite.

3) Rã-de-vidro-de-coração-descoberto
A zona inferior transparente da rã-de-vidro-de-coração-descoberto deixa ver quase totalmente os órgãos internos. Sendo uma rã de árvore, habita as florestas tropicais da América Central e do Sul.

4) Vaca Das Terras Altas
Nos campos da Escócia, encontrará uma raça de vacas única: a Vaca Das Terras Altas. Estas vacas fofas e castanhas são famosas pelos seus cornos longos e pontiagudos e pelo pelo desgrenhado. Estes animais têm um aspeto interessante que as distingue de todas as outras raças de vacas.

5) Lobo-guará
O lobo-guará da América do Sul não é um lobo nem uma raposa, embora se pareça com ambos. Este animal de crina grossa pertence ao género Crysocyon, ou cão dourado.

6) Axololote
Muitas vezes chamado de peixe andante Mexicano, o Axolote é na verdade uma forma de salamandra e é anfíbio, sendo capaz de sobreviver na água e em terra. Nativo do México Centra, o Axolote está em vias de extinção devido ao crescimento da população humana e poluição.

7) Caranguejo-dos-coqueiros
O caranguejo-dos-coqueiros é o maior caranguejo no mundo. As pinças são super fortes, podendo partir cocos facilmente! Este caranguejo gigante é um dos artrópodes mais invulgares.

8) Polvo-dumbo
o polvo-dumbo deve a sua alcunha às barbatanas proeminentes em forma de orelhas na sua cabeça. Vivendo numa profundidade de cerca de 3000 a 4000 metros, apenas crescem até cerca de 30 centímetros.

9) Salamandra-gigante-da-china
A salamandra-gigante-da-china é o maior anfíbio do mundo. Estas salamandras gigantes vivem em riachos montanhosos na China e são noturnas.

10) Golfinho-do-irrawaddy
Encontrado no Sudeste Asiático, o golfinho-de-irrawaddy é conhecido pela sua cabeça redonda. Parecido à baleia-beluga, crescem até cerca de 1 metros e trinta de comprimento.

11) Peixe-lua
Conhecido como o peixe de água quente mais pesado do mundo, o peixe-lua consegue ultrapassar os 907 quilos de peso. Nativo das águas temperadas e tropicais, tem um corpo achatado e são da mesma família do peixe-balão.

12) Solenodonte
O solenodonte é famoso pelo seu focinho longo e pontiagudo. Este focinho é mais flexível do que parece. Está ligado a uma rótula que permite que mova o nariz e explore pequenos buracos e fendas.

13) Dugongo
Relacionado com os manatins, o dugongo é um herbívoro que habita águas quentes costeiras no Pacífico Ocidental e ao longo da Costa Leste de África.

14) Saiga
Nativo da Rússia, Cazaquistão e Mongólia Ocidental, a Saiga é conhecida pela forma distinta do seu crânio e focinho. Outrora era uma espécie numerosa que abrangia o Alasca, Ilhas Britânicas e Ásia Central, recupera de momento da quase extinção.

15) Patola-de-pés-azuis
Os patolas-de-pés-azuis têm o nome devido à cor das patas. Estas são tão azuis devido aos pigmentos de carotenoide que obtêm através da alimentação e se concentra nas patas.

16) Fossa
Um carnívoro parecido com o gato, a fossa chama casa à ilha de Madagáscar. O maior mamífero predador remanescente da ilha é conhecido pela sua habilidade para subir e descer árvores de cabeça apontada para a frente.

17) Gavial
Um tipo de crocodilo de focinho fino, o Gavial é nativo da Índia, habitando rios e afluentes na região. Alimentando-se maioritariamente de peixe, cresce entre os 3.35 e 4.50 metros.

18) Cabra-selvagem-paquistanesa
A cabra-selvagem-paquistanesa tem um impressionante par de cornos que a distingue das outras cabras. Os cornos em espiral destas cabras montanhesas podem alcançar um metro e 20 centímetros de altura!

19) Sunda Colugo
O sunda colugo é parente do lémure voador e nativo do Sudeste Asiático, Malásia, Singapura e Tailândia. Ativo de noite, pertence à espécie colugo, uma espécie de mamíferos voadores.

20) Morcego-de-lábios-vermelhos
Encontrado nas Ilhas Galápagos e costa do Perú, o morcego-de-lábios-vermelhos, um tipo de tamboril, não é um bom nadador, deslocando-se pelo oceano usando as barbatanas peitorais.

21) Pangolim
Os pangolins são conhecidos pelas suas escamas únicas que parecem uma armadura. Estas são feitas de queratina, o mesmo material de que é feito o nosso cabelo!

22) Toupeira-nariz-de-estrela
Encontrada no norte da América do Norte, a toupeira-nariz-de-estrela é conhecida pela estranha forma do focinho. Usa o focinho, que contém anexos, chamados órgãos de Eimer, para sentir as vibrações quando caça as presas.

23) Diabo-espinhoso
Encontrado apenas na Austrália, dorso do diabo-espinhoso está inteiramente coberto por espinhos cónicos que ajudam a defender-se dos predadores. Desempenham também um papel nas capacidades de camuflagem do lagarto, tornando mais fácil esconder-se entre as rochas e solo do seu habitat natural.

24) Mara
A mara pode parecer um pequeno canguru com orelhas de lebre, mas na verdade é um roedor. Este animal tem um comportamento interessante condizente com o seu aspeto singular. Ao contrário de outros roedores, está acordado durante o dia e é monogâmico.

25) Babirussa
Encontrada na Indonésia, a babirussa tem um conjunto de presas curvas na mandíbula inferior e em cima do focinho. Pinturas pré-históricas da babirussa datam de há 35,000 anos, embora estejam de momento em vias de extinção.

26) Velella
A velella é um tipo de medusa que flutua na superfície do oceano e é conhecido pela sua distinta barbatana e coloração azul. Alimenta-se de larvas de peixes pequenos e zooplâncton, sendo inofensivas para os humanos.

27) Colugo Malaio
Estes fantásticos lémures voadores têm olhos grandes que ajudam a detetar a presa facilmente. Os lémures usam as asas para planar de árvore em árvore em procura de folhas jovens, a sua comida preferida!

28) Gazela-girafa
Uma forma de gazela, as gazelas-girafas têm pescoços compridos e membros esguios. Enquanto que os machos têm cornos, as fêmeas, não. Ambos os géneros usam os pescoços compridos para se alimentarem nos ramos das árvores na sua nativa África.

29) Cacajau
Habitando a floresta tropical bacia noroeste da Amazónia, o cacajaus têm uma cabeça vermelha distinta que se assemelha a um crânio. Outra característica deste habitante das árvores é a cauda mais curta que o habitual, tendo os macacos que depender mais dos saltos quando se movem.

30) Traça-poodle-venezuelana
A fofa traça-poodle-venezuelana foi apenas descoberta em 2009. Esta estranha traça consegue de alguma forma parecer engraçada e ligeiramente aterradora ao mesmo tempo.

31) Rato-toupeira-nu
Um roedor escavador nativo do Este de África, o rato-toupeira-nu não tem pelo e não tem sensibilidade na pele. Isto permite que resista melhor ao rigor do ambiente nativo.

32) Fragata-comum
A fragata-comum é famosa pela sua bolsa vermelha em forma de balão na garganta. Esta bolsa é encontrada nos machos, e é insuflada para obter a atenção feminina.

33) Cervo-de-topete
Uma espécie pequena de cervo, distingue-se pelo tufo de pelo negro e caninos proeminentes. Reside na China Central e Nordeste do Myanmar. Vive maioritariamente em terreno montanhoso florestal até quase 5,000 metros de altitude, tornando difícil estudá-los.

34) Foca-de-crista
Encontrada apenas no Centro e Nordeste do Oceano Atlântico, a foca-de-crista tem um capuz insuflável no topo da cabeça. A foca insufla-o através das cavidades nasais e esvazia-o debaixo de água para comunicar com outras focas e avisar da presença de predadores.

35) Macaco-dourado
Estes macacos coloridos são conhecidos pelo pelo dourado e face azul-clara. Se quiser ver um destes macacos na natureza, terá de ir até à China Central. Os 8,000 a 10,000 espécimes vivem lá.

36) Tubarão-duende
Habitando o mar profundo, o tubarão-duende é conhecido pelo seu focinho achatado e alongado e mandíbula saliente, que põe para fora quando se quer alimentar. Não sendo um nadador veloz, captura as suas pesas, maioritariamente teleósteos, usando táticas de emboscada.

37) Ai-ai
Da família dos lémures, o ai-ai de Madagáscar é conhecido como o maior primata noturno do mundo. Alimentando-se principalmente de larvas, é erroneamente considerado mau por algumas culturas e morto assim que avistado.

38) Cão-guaxinim
Este animal pode parecer um guaxinim com pernas longas, mas nem sequer está relacionado com os guaxinins. Pertencem à família canídea, que inclui os cães, lobos e raposas. Estes animais de aspeto interessante existem há milhões de anos.

39) Sagui-imperador
O sagui-imperador é famoso pelo impressionante pelo facial. Estes pequenos macacos engraçados têm este nome porque o bigode parece o ostentado pelo Imperador Alemão Wilhelm II.

40) Antílope-nuvem
Este “antílope nuvem” é realmente demasiado bizarro e único para ser real. Foi criado por um artista na Internet e é um boneco artístico!

Sexta-feira, 3 de Novembro de 2017

Antártida: Buraco na camada de ozono com tamanho mais baixo desde 1988

A agência norte-americana para o espaço e a aeronáutica (NASA, na sigla em inglês) divulgou hoje que o buraco na camada de ozono sobre a Antártida encolheu para o menor tamanho desde 1988.

O imenso buraco na camada protetora de ozono da Terra atingiu o seu máximo em setembro e a NASA quantificou a sua dimensão em 19,6 milhões de quilómetros quadrados.

Um cientista da NASA, Paul Newman, afirmou que as condições tempestuosas na atmosfera superior aqueceram o ar e impediram que os químicos cloro e bromo 'comessem' o ozono.

Newman afirmou que estas são boas notícias e adiantou que a baixa verificada este ano tem causas naturais, mas que está no topo de melhorias pequenas mas contínuas, resultantes provavelmente de um tratado de 1987 que limitou a produção e consumo de substâncias químicas destruidoras do ozono.

O ozono é uma combinação de três átomos de oxigénio. A camada de ozono protege a Terra dos raios ultravioletas que provocam cancro da pele, danos em colheitas e outros problemas.


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