sábado, 16 de novembro de 2019

Debate entre candidatos às presidenciais de 24 novembro, (Gabriel Indi do PUSD, Idriça Djalo do PUN e Baciro Djá da FREPASNA). É o segundo dos três debates.

Debate between three presidential candidates of the November 24 election in Guinea Bissau.
Mr. Gabriel Indi, of PUSD
Mr. Idriça Djalo of PUN 
Mr. Baciro Djá of FREPASNA. 

This is the second of the three debates. 

José Mário Vaz was absent in this debate due to unspecified reason.

UNFPA and UNIOGBIS, through the Women and Youth Political Participation Project, funded by the Peacebuilding Fund, are technically and financially supporting this initiative.

Aliu Cande / faladepapagaio

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