segunda-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2020
Enquanto Cidadão, comprometido com a Guiné-Bissau, meu Partido, farei tudo o que estiver ao meu alcance, para que o PAIGC, nos moldes em que funciona, não consiga obter legalmente o Poder Absoluto do Estado
Por Fernando Casimiro
Sei que há muito boa gente no PAIGC; gente que quer fazer algo para resgatar o Partido e colocá-lo no patamar que merece, contudo, o "Sistema" do, e no, Partido, foi e continua a ser implacável e avesso à civilidade, o que tem bloqueado ou condicionado, qualquer iniciativa democrática, pluralista, no seu seio, capaz de forjar uma nova visão partidária assente numa nova visão política e ideológica, cujo horizonte deve focar-se num reenquadramento do Partido tendo em conte a conjuntura política, social: nacional, regional, e internacional.
Não sou, nunca fui, contra o PAIGC, mas serei sempre, a exemplo de Amilcar Cabral, fundador e militante número 1 do Partido, o maior de todos os seus críticos!
Enquanto Cidadão, comprometido com a Guiné-Bissau, meu Partido, farei tudo o que estiver ao meu alcance, para que o PAIGC, nos moldes em que funciona, não consiga obter legalmente o Poder Absoluto do Estado. Doa a quem doer, esta é a minha posição, farto que estou de 46 anos de desgoverno em prejuízo do Estado e do nosso Povo; em prejuízo das conquistas do processo da luta armada de libertação nacional!
Não apoiarei Nunca, um PAIGC que divide para melhor reinar, ignorando o slogan "Unidade e Luta" de Amilcar Cabral, que alicerçou e determinou a conquista da Independência Nacional!
Não apoiarei Nunca, um PAIGC que de chefe em chefe partidário, sem uma Liderança e um verdadeiro Líder, continua a trair os ideais da Luta de Libertação Nacional e Tod@s quant@s deram suas vidas pela Independência Nacional!
Não apoiarei JAMAIS, um PAIGC propriedade de quem o preside, como se fosse um património empresarial, que por via dos seus interesses pessoais e de grupos, sobretudo, económicos, quer amordaçar todos os Guineenses;
Tenho presente que o nome PAIGC continua a significar muito, para não dizer quase tudo, ao Povo Guineense, entre o bem e o mal, por isso, por respeito a esse sentimento do nosso Povo, continuarei a ser, tal como Amilcar Cabral, o maior dos críticos do PAIGC!
Não sou eu quem tem que mudar. É o PAIGC!
Estarei sempre disponível para ajudar, quer ao PAIGC quer a qualquer Partido Político Guineense, na busca de melhores trajectos, visando o reencontro com a essência dos ideais libertários e do desenvolvimento, sem ter que fazer parte das suas estruturas partidárias, pois, o meu Partido, é e será sempre, a Guiné-Bissau, como todos sabem!
Positiva e construtivamente.
Didinho 27.01.2020
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segunda-feira, janeiro 27, 2020
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segunda-feira, janeiro 27, 2020
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segunda-feira, janeiro 27, 2020
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Amanhã conferência de Imprensa (CNE)
A Comissão Nacional de Eleições da Guiné-Bissau(CNE), realizá nesta terça-feira, 28 de janeiro, mais uma conferência de imprensa, na sua sede em Bissau, face a situação eleitoral no país.
A CNE divulgou, na semana passada, os resultados definitivos da segunda volta das eleições presidenciais, indicando que o Umaro Sissoco Embalo venceu o escrutínio com 53,55 dos votos e que Domingos Simões Pereira obteve 46,45%.
Alai Nbi-Nhoma Djalo
A CNE divulgou, na semana passada, os resultados definitivos da segunda volta das eleições presidenciais, indicando que o Umaro Sissoco Embalo venceu o escrutínio com 53,55 dos votos e que Domingos Simões Pereira obteve 46,45%.
Alai Nbi-Nhoma Djalo
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segunda-feira, janeiro 27, 2020
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Nos últimos dias, tem circulado uma mensagem de felicitação de Umaro Sissoco Embalo nas redes sociais atribuídas ao CEDEAO, sobre a felicitação da vitória de Umaro Sissoco.
A Direção de Comunicação da Comissão da CEDEAO gostaria, através deste canal, de apresentar uma NEGAÇÃO FORMAL E CATEGÓRICA sobre estas declarações, que são supostamente atribuídas à Sua Excelência Jean Claude Kassi BROU.
O Presidente da Comissão da CEDEAO nega, na totalidade, a autoria dessas declarações que lhe foram atribuídas. Em nenhum momento, CEDEAO felicitou Umaro Sissoco Embaló e em nenhum momento ele foi o autor de tais declarações e nem participou de uma reunião nesta semana em Abidjan.
A Comissão da CEDEAO informa o público que tomará todas as medidas necessárias para encontrar e levar perante os tribunais competentes os autores de tal difamação e incitamento através das redes sociais.
Abuja, 26 de janeiro de 2020
O Departamento de Comunicação
Clique neste link👉👇
Fonte: Estamos a Trabalhar_abcreporterdopovo //FAKE NEWS
22/01/2020 This is original
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segunda-feira, janeiro 27, 2020
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Kobe Bryant tem morte prevista em 2012 em acidente de Helicóptero
Kobe Bryant tem morte prevista em 2012 em acidente de Helicóptero
Twitte de 2012 que previa morte de Kobe Bryant em acidente de helicóptero viraliza.
Um tweet publicado em novembro de 2012 viralizou na tarde deste domingo (26) por prever exatamente como o astro do basquete Kobe Bryant morreria, em um acidente de helicóptero. "Kobe vai morrer em um acidente de helicóptero", dizia o post.
Minutos depois da confirmação pela polícia local da morte do americano em um acidente de helicóptero particular na cidade de Calabasas, na Califórnia, nos Estados Unidos, o post já contabiliza mais de 90 mil retweets e quase 200 mil curtidas. Além de Bryant, mais quatro pessoas morreram no acidente.
O astro do basquete, de 41 anos de idade, era casado com Vanessa Bryant, com quem tem quatro filhas do casal, Gianna, Natalia e Bianca e Capri. A causa do acidente ainda é desconhecida.
Nascido na Filadélfia, no dia 23 de agosto de 1978, Kobe Bean Bryant atuou como ala-amador nos Los Angeles Lakers e marcou história no esporte e no time que defendeu por 20 temporadas. Foi campeão NBA em cinco oportunidades: 2000, 2001, 2002, 2009 e 2010. Ganhou o ouro nas Olímpiadas de 2008 e 2012.
All-Star da NBA, 18 vezes, Bryant foi amplamente considerado um dos maiores jogadores de basquete de todos os tempos. Ele foi eleito o jogador mais valioso da NBA em 2008 e conquistou duas medalhas de ouro com o time de basquete masculino dos EUA em 2008 e 2012. Em 2018, Bryant ganhou um Oscar por seu curta-metragem, Dear Basketball.
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segunda-feira, janeiro 27, 2020
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USE PRESIDENTE - Na velocidade ku Sissoco sta dja nel, si alguim tenta massa travão correio na sapa - i sério! Sissoco nunca lento, kim ku ka fia pah i punta djintis ku kunsil disna de mininessa - boh disisti boh pera utru eleição.
Nunde ku boh tchiga de odja um vencedor de eleição djumna i sedu Presidente de República antes de i toma posse?
Boh udjus na odja kussas tudo claro mah boh dixa boh corson na ngana boss, mah i kana sedu boh tras!
Fonte: Abel Djassi
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segunda-feira, janeiro 27, 2020
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27 de Janeiro de 2020
Prs Bissau
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segunda-feira, janeiro 27, 2020
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segunda-feira, janeiro 27, 2020
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SIDA - Cientistas descobrem forma de detetar VIH 'escondido' nas células
Cientistas norte-americanos descobriram métodos para ‘desmascarar’ o vírus da SIDA oculto nas células que compõe o corpo humano. Em todo o mundo mais de 38 milhões de pessoas estão infetadas pelo vírus do VIH.
Duas pesquisas publicadas no periódico científico Nature, levadas a cabo por investigadores da Universidade da Carolina do Norte (UCN) em Chapel Hill e da Universidade Emory, ambas nos Estados Unidos, e divulgadas pela revista Galileu, descobriram técnicas capazes de reverter a latência de células infetadas pelo vírus do VIH, em níveis tremendamente significativos na corrente sanguínea e em tecidos, com pouca ou nenhuma toxicidade.
Apesar da terapia antirretroviral tradicional ser capaz de atenuar o VIH para índices virtualmente indetetáveis no sangue, a verdade é que o vírus permanece ‘escondido’ nas células CD4 e linfócitos T. Sendo que o sistema imunológico não o consegue reconhecer, e nenhuma terapia atualmente utilizada é capaz de o detetar.
A grande reviravolta
Os cientistas da Faculdade de Medicina da UCN recorreram a ratos com células imunológicas humanas saudáveis, as ‘preferidas’ do VIH. A inovação científica adveio do recurso a um composto chamado AZD5582, que faz com que as células comecem a produzir as proteínas específicas, expondo o vírus.
“Ninguém havia testado até ao momento com sucesso uma molécula de reversão de latência em humanos ou num modelo animal com células humanas”, afirmou J. Victor Garcia, um dos autores do estudo e professor da UCN.
Entretanto a pesquisa realizada na Universidade de Emory, conseguiu igualmente inverter a latência de células infetadas, segundo a revista Galileu. Todavia, utilizando um método alternativo. Os cientistas aplicaram uma combinação de substâncias para bloquear os linfócitos T CD8, diminuindo a ação do vírus e elevando a produção da molécula interleucina, que regula a imunidade do organismo.
Combinados, os trabalhos de ambas as universidades abrem novas portas e possibilidades para a criação de tratamentos que futuramente levem à cura da doença.
Duas pesquisas publicadas no periódico científico Nature, levadas a cabo por investigadores da Universidade da Carolina do Norte (UCN) em Chapel Hill e da Universidade Emory, ambas nos Estados Unidos, e divulgadas pela revista Galileu, descobriram técnicas capazes de reverter a latência de células infetadas pelo vírus do VIH, em níveis tremendamente significativos na corrente sanguínea e em tecidos, com pouca ou nenhuma toxicidade.
Apesar da terapia antirretroviral tradicional ser capaz de atenuar o VIH para índices virtualmente indetetáveis no sangue, a verdade é que o vírus permanece ‘escondido’ nas células CD4 e linfócitos T. Sendo que o sistema imunológico não o consegue reconhecer, e nenhuma terapia atualmente utilizada é capaz de o detetar.
A grande reviravolta
Os cientistas da Faculdade de Medicina da UCN recorreram a ratos com células imunológicas humanas saudáveis, as ‘preferidas’ do VIH. A inovação científica adveio do recurso a um composto chamado AZD5582, que faz com que as células comecem a produzir as proteínas específicas, expondo o vírus.
“Ninguém havia testado até ao momento com sucesso uma molécula de reversão de latência em humanos ou num modelo animal com células humanas”, afirmou J. Victor Garcia, um dos autores do estudo e professor da UCN.
Entretanto a pesquisa realizada na Universidade de Emory, conseguiu igualmente inverter a latência de células infetadas, segundo a revista Galileu. Todavia, utilizando um método alternativo. Os cientistas aplicaram uma combinação de substâncias para bloquear os linfócitos T CD8, diminuindo a ação do vírus e elevando a produção da molécula interleucina, que regula a imunidade do organismo.
Combinados, os trabalhos de ambas as universidades abrem novas portas e possibilidades para a criação de tratamentos que futuramente levem à cura da doença.
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segunda-feira, janeiro 27, 2020
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Sources: Kobe Bryant, daughter Gianna die in helicopter crash
The latest on the crash that killed Kobe and Gianna Bryant Ramona Shelburne reports that there were nine people on board the helicopter that crashed, killing Kobe Bryant and his daughter Gianna.
NBA legend Kobe Bryant and one of his daughters were among several people killed Sunday in a helicopter crash in Calabasas, California, a source confirmed to ESPN. Bryant was 41.
Bryant was on his way to a youth basketball game with his daughter Gianna Bryant, who was 13, when the helicopter crashed, sources said. Those aboard the helicopter included another player and parent. Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva said in a news conference that there were no survivors, and according to the flight manifest, there were nine people on board the helicopter.
Los Angeles County fire chief Daryl Osby said on Sunday afternoon that the Federal Aviation Administration was on the scene and will work with the National Transportation Safety Board to investigate the crash. He said authorities will not release the names of victims until they are identified and next of kin are notified.
Villanueva and Los Angeles County chief medical examiner Dr. Jonathan Lucas said later on Sunday evening that -- given the terrain and condition of the crash site -- they expect the recovery effort to take anywhere from a couple to several days. After recovery is complete, the identification process can begin.
The cause of the crash was unknown. The helicopter departed from John Wayne Airport in Orange County at 9:06 a.m. PT. The first 911 call reporting the crash was received at 9:47 a.m.
Orange Coast College baseball coaching legend John Altobelli, his wife, Keri, and their daughter Alyssa were among the victims, the Altobelli family confirmed. Altobelli won four California community college titles in his 27 years at the school.
Costa Mesa Mayor Katrina Foley tweeted that the dead also included Christina Mauser, a girls basketball coach at a nearby private elementary school. Her husband, Matt Mauser, founded the Tijuana Dogs, a popular Orange County band. In a Facebook post he said: "My kids and I are devastated. We lost our beautiful wife and mom today in a helicopter crash.''
The crash came one day after Bryant was passed by Los Angeles Lakers forward LeBron James for third place on the NBA's all-time scoring list. As late as 10:39 p.m. ET Saturday, Bryant was active on social media, congratulating James on Twitter during the Lakers' 108-91 loss to the Philadelphia 76ers.
A source told ESPN's Ohm Youngmisuk that the Lakers found out about Bryant's death while on the team plane flying home from Philadelphia.
"Everyone is in shock," a team source said.
A visibly shaken James wiped his eyes with tissues and walked alone from the Lakers plane after it landed Sunday in Southern California.
James inscribed his sneakers with "Mamba 4 Life" and "8/24 KB" in gold marker before the game Saturday, showing respect for Bryant, an 18-time All-Star with the Lakers who is eligible for the Basketball Hall of Fame this year.
All week, in the lead-up to the milestone, James was quick to laud Bryant.
Kobe Bryant and his 13-year-old daughter, Gianna, were among nine people killed in a helicopter crash on Sunday in Calabasas, California. Getty Images
"It's another guy that I looked up to when I was in grade school and high school," James said. "Seeing him come straight out of high school, he is someone that I used as inspiration. It was like, wow. Seeing a kid, 17 years old, come into the NBA and trying to make an impact on a franchise, I used it as motivation. He helped me before he even knew of me because of what he was able to do. So just to be able to, at this point of my career, to share the same jersey that he wore, be with this historical franchise and just represent the purple and gold, it's very humbling, and it's dope.
"Kobe's a legend. That's for damn sure."
A 6-foot-6 small forward with the ability to swing up front and play point or shooting guard, Bryant entered the NBA out of high school. In 1996, at age 18, he became the youngest player in NBA history.
He won five NBA titles in his time with the Lakers, as well as two Olympic gold medals playing for the United States. Now fourth on the NBA's all-time scoring list with 33,643 points, Bryant won two NBA Finals MVP awards and one NBA regular-season MVP in 2008.
Shaquille O'Neal, who won three titles with Bryant in Los Angeles, posted on Instagram: "There's no words to express the pain I'm going through now with this tragic and sad moment of loosing my friend, my brother, my partner in winning championships, my dude and my homie. I love you brother and you will be missed. My condolences goes out to the Bryant family and the families of the other passengers on board. IM SICK RIGHT NOW!"
This week marked the 14-year anniversary of Bryant's 81-point game against the Toronto Raptors, still the second-most points ever scored in an NBA game, behind Wilt Chamberlain's 100.
"The NBA family is devastated by the tragic passing of Kobe Bryant and his daughter, Gianna," NBA commissioner Adam Silver said in a statement.
"For 20 seasons, Kobe showed us what is possible when remarkable talent blends with an absolute devotion to winning. He was one of the most extraordinary players in the history of our game with accomplishments that are legendary: five NBA championships, an NBA MVP award, 18 NBA All-Star selections, and two Olympic gold medals. But he will be remembered most for inspiring people around the world to pick up a basketball and compete to the very best of their ability. He was generous with the wisdom he acquired and saw it as his mission to share it with future generations of players, taking special delight in passing down his love of the game to Gianna.
"We send our heartfelt condolences to his wife, Vanessa, and their family, the Lakers organization and the entire sports world."
The NBA played its games Sunday -- something the fiercely competitive Bryant likely would have appreciated. A moment of silence was held at the first NBA game of the day, the Nuggets vs. the Rockets in Denver. The Raptors and Suns each allowed 24 seconds to run off the clock on the first two possessions without playing. Orlando took a 24-second violation, and the Magic followed with an eight-second backcourt violation. The Knicks and Nets took shot-clock violations at Madison Square Garden, which was lit in purple and gold. The Pelicans and Celtics also took violations, and Boston's Jaylen Brown pretended to take a shot as the shot clock hit eight.
Mavericks owner Mark Cuban said his team will retire the No. 24 jersey in tribute to Bryant.
Bryant passed his childhood idol, Michael Jordan, on the all-time scoring list in 2014. Jordan embraced Bryant, fueling his passion for the game. The two had a memorable matchup in Bryant's first All-Star Game at New York's Madison Square Garden, and later, when Jordan played for the Washington Wizards, Bryant scored 42 points in a half (en route to 55 in the game) against him.
"He knows how much I've learned from him," Bryant said of Jordan in 2014, "from the other legends and him in particular."
"I am in shock over the tragic news of Kobe's and Gianna's passing," Jordan said in a statement. "Words can't describe the pain I'm feeling. I loved Kobe -- he was like a little brother to me. We used to talk often, and I will miss those conversations very much. He was a fierce competitor, one [of] the greats of the game and a creative force. Kobe was also an amazing dad who loved his family deeply -- and took great pride in his daughter's love for the game of basketball. Yvette [Prieto, Jordan's wife] joins me in sending my deepest condolences to Vanessa, the Lakers organization and basketball fans around the world."
Phil Jackson, Bryant's former coach with the Lakers, told Bleacher Report in a statement that "the crash was a tragedy for multiple families. My heart goes out to Vanessa and the families that lost loved ones. Kobe was a chosen one -- special in many ways to many people. Our relationship as coach/player transcended the norm. He went beyond the veil."
A Philadelphia native, Bryant was selected No. 13 overall in 1996 by the Charlotte Hornets before being traded to the Lakers. With the Lakers, he wore both Nos. 8 and 24, both of which were retired by the franchise. He was credited with changing how NBA front offices viewed wing talent entering the draft out of high school.
"I'm happy just to be in any conversation with Kobe Bean Bryant. One of the all-time greatest basketball players to ever play, one of the all-time greatest Lakers," James said Saturday night. "The man got two jerseys hanging up in Staples Center. It's just crazy."
Bryant is the only player in NBA history to have multiple jerseys retired by a franchise.
On Nov. 29, 2015, Bryant announced that he intended to retire at the end of the season, which launched a farewell tour for the ages. He played in 66 games that season for Los Angeles, averaging 17.6 points, 3.7 rebounds and 2.8 assists.
In his final game, on April 13, 2016, he scored 60 points, leading the Lakers past the Utah Jazz 101-96.
Another Lakers legend, Magic Johnson, also said he was "heartbroken" over Bryant's death.
While Bryant was an unqualified star on the court, he did have controversy off it. He was accused of sexual assault in Colorado in 2003. The criminal case was dropped the next year, but Bryant still issued an apology. He said he considered the encounter to be consensual but recognized that the woman "did not and does not view this incident the same way I did."
Bryant married Vanessa Laine Bryant in 2001, and they had four daughters together. Their oldest, Natalia, is 17, and their youngest, Capri, is 7 months old. They also have a 3-year-old, Bianka. Bryant's father, Joe "Jellybean" Bryant, is a former NBA player.
People were glued to their phones and TV screens all around the world Sunday as news of the crash spread and networks broke into programming with live coverage.
Thousands of people remembered Bryant outside Staples Center on Sunday in downtown Los Angeles. Mourners in No. 24 jerseys mixed with those arriving at the downtown arena in fancy dress for Sunday evening's Grammy Awards. People carried flowers and chanted "Kobe!'' and "MVP!'' under giant video screens showing Bryant's smiling face.
"This is where we needed to be,'' said Naveen Cheerath, 31, who was among those who gathered downtown.
After his playing days ended, Bryant transitioned into a post-basketball life that was far from retirement. He won an Academy Award in 2018, taking home an Oscar for the animated short "Dear Basketball." Bryant also created a children's book series, inspired by his love for "Harry Potter," and it became a New York Times bestseller.
Nichols: Kobe loved being a dad
Rachel Nichols discusses Kobe Bryant's relationship with his children, including his daughter Gianna, who died in a helicopter crash with Kobe.
New York Mets star Jeff McNeil played for Altobelli, who managed the Brewster Whitecaps of the Cape Cod League, in 2012.
"He's one of the main reasons I'm still playing professional baseball," McNeil told ESPN's Jeff Passan of Altobelli.
McNeil said he struggled in college at Long Beach State, but one of his coaches called Altobelli, a California junior college legend, and asked him to bring McNeil to the Cape.
"He took a chance on me, kept me the whole summer," McNeil said. "Him taking that chance on me, having me on his team, got me drafted."
On Sunday morning, Colin Storm was in his living room in Calabasas when he heard "what sounded like a low-flying airplane or helicopter."
"It was very foggy, so we couldn't see anything," he said, according to a report by The Associated Press. "But then we heard some sputtering and then a boom."
The fog then cleared a bit, and Storm could see smoke rising from the hillside in front of his home.
Juan Bonilla of Calabasas said he was working on his roof Sunday morning when he heard a helicopter flying low. He said he thought it was a sheriff's helicopter on a training mission. He heard nothing amiss with the engine or rotors and said he did not see any mechanical issue with the chopper. It was foggy, but he said visibility didn't seem to be low at the time of the crash.
Osby said firefighters found a quarter-mile brush fire when they hiked into the scene. Paramedics were lowered from a helicopter.
FAA spokesman Allen Kenitzer said the downed chopper was a Sikorsky S-76.
The NTSB sent a "go team" of investigators to the site. The NTSB typically issues a preliminary report within about 10 days of a crash that will give a rough summary of what investigators have learned. A ruling on the cause of a crash can take a year or more.
ESPN's Adrian Wojnarowski, Dave McMenamin and The Associated Press contributed to this report.
NBA legend Kobe Bryant and one of his daughters were among several people killed Sunday in a helicopter crash in Calabasas, California, a source confirmed to ESPN. Bryant was 41.
Bryant was on his way to a youth basketball game with his daughter Gianna Bryant, who was 13, when the helicopter crashed, sources said. Those aboard the helicopter included another player and parent. Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva said in a news conference that there were no survivors, and according to the flight manifest, there were nine people on board the helicopter.
Los Angeles County fire chief Daryl Osby said on Sunday afternoon that the Federal Aviation Administration was on the scene and will work with the National Transportation Safety Board to investigate the crash. He said authorities will not release the names of victims until they are identified and next of kin are notified.
Villanueva and Los Angeles County chief medical examiner Dr. Jonathan Lucas said later on Sunday evening that -- given the terrain and condition of the crash site -- they expect the recovery effort to take anywhere from a couple to several days. After recovery is complete, the identification process can begin.
The cause of the crash was unknown. The helicopter departed from John Wayne Airport in Orange County at 9:06 a.m. PT. The first 911 call reporting the crash was received at 9:47 a.m.
Orange Coast College baseball coaching legend John Altobelli, his wife, Keri, and their daughter Alyssa were among the victims, the Altobelli family confirmed. Altobelli won four California community college titles in his 27 years at the school.
Costa Mesa Mayor Katrina Foley tweeted that the dead also included Christina Mauser, a girls basketball coach at a nearby private elementary school. Her husband, Matt Mauser, founded the Tijuana Dogs, a popular Orange County band. In a Facebook post he said: "My kids and I are devastated. We lost our beautiful wife and mom today in a helicopter crash.''
The crash came one day after Bryant was passed by Los Angeles Lakers forward LeBron James for third place on the NBA's all-time scoring list. As late as 10:39 p.m. ET Saturday, Bryant was active on social media, congratulating James on Twitter during the Lakers' 108-91 loss to the Philadelphia 76ers.
A source told ESPN's Ohm Youngmisuk that the Lakers found out about Bryant's death while on the team plane flying home from Philadelphia.
"Everyone is in shock," a team source said.
A visibly shaken James wiped his eyes with tissues and walked alone from the Lakers plane after it landed Sunday in Southern California.
James inscribed his sneakers with "Mamba 4 Life" and "8/24 KB" in gold marker before the game Saturday, showing respect for Bryant, an 18-time All-Star with the Lakers who is eligible for the Basketball Hall of Fame this year.
All week, in the lead-up to the milestone, James was quick to laud Bryant.
Kobe Bryant and his 13-year-old daughter, Gianna, were among nine people killed in a helicopter crash on Sunday in Calabasas, California. Getty Images
"It's another guy that I looked up to when I was in grade school and high school," James said. "Seeing him come straight out of high school, he is someone that I used as inspiration. It was like, wow. Seeing a kid, 17 years old, come into the NBA and trying to make an impact on a franchise, I used it as motivation. He helped me before he even knew of me because of what he was able to do. So just to be able to, at this point of my career, to share the same jersey that he wore, be with this historical franchise and just represent the purple and gold, it's very humbling, and it's dope.
"Kobe's a legend. That's for damn sure."
A 6-foot-6 small forward with the ability to swing up front and play point or shooting guard, Bryant entered the NBA out of high school. In 1996, at age 18, he became the youngest player in NBA history.
He won five NBA titles in his time with the Lakers, as well as two Olympic gold medals playing for the United States. Now fourth on the NBA's all-time scoring list with 33,643 points, Bryant won two NBA Finals MVP awards and one NBA regular-season MVP in 2008.
Shaquille O'Neal, who won three titles with Bryant in Los Angeles, posted on Instagram: "There's no words to express the pain I'm going through now with this tragic and sad moment of loosing my friend, my brother, my partner in winning championships, my dude and my homie. I love you brother and you will be missed. My condolences goes out to the Bryant family and the families of the other passengers on board. IM SICK RIGHT NOW!"
This week marked the 14-year anniversary of Bryant's 81-point game against the Toronto Raptors, still the second-most points ever scored in an NBA game, behind Wilt Chamberlain's 100.
"The NBA family is devastated by the tragic passing of Kobe Bryant and his daughter, Gianna," NBA commissioner Adam Silver said in a statement.
"For 20 seasons, Kobe showed us what is possible when remarkable talent blends with an absolute devotion to winning. He was one of the most extraordinary players in the history of our game with accomplishments that are legendary: five NBA championships, an NBA MVP award, 18 NBA All-Star selections, and two Olympic gold medals. But he will be remembered most for inspiring people around the world to pick up a basketball and compete to the very best of their ability. He was generous with the wisdom he acquired and saw it as his mission to share it with future generations of players, taking special delight in passing down his love of the game to Gianna.
"We send our heartfelt condolences to his wife, Vanessa, and their family, the Lakers organization and the entire sports world."
The NBA played its games Sunday -- something the fiercely competitive Bryant likely would have appreciated. A moment of silence was held at the first NBA game of the day, the Nuggets vs. the Rockets in Denver. The Raptors and Suns each allowed 24 seconds to run off the clock on the first two possessions without playing. Orlando took a 24-second violation, and the Magic followed with an eight-second backcourt violation. The Knicks and Nets took shot-clock violations at Madison Square Garden, which was lit in purple and gold. The Pelicans and Celtics also took violations, and Boston's Jaylen Brown pretended to take a shot as the shot clock hit eight.
Mavericks owner Mark Cuban said his team will retire the No. 24 jersey in tribute to Bryant.
Bryant passed his childhood idol, Michael Jordan, on the all-time scoring list in 2014. Jordan embraced Bryant, fueling his passion for the game. The two had a memorable matchup in Bryant's first All-Star Game at New York's Madison Square Garden, and later, when Jordan played for the Washington Wizards, Bryant scored 42 points in a half (en route to 55 in the game) against him.
"He knows how much I've learned from him," Bryant said of Jordan in 2014, "from the other legends and him in particular."
"I am in shock over the tragic news of Kobe's and Gianna's passing," Jordan said in a statement. "Words can't describe the pain I'm feeling. I loved Kobe -- he was like a little brother to me. We used to talk often, and I will miss those conversations very much. He was a fierce competitor, one [of] the greats of the game and a creative force. Kobe was also an amazing dad who loved his family deeply -- and took great pride in his daughter's love for the game of basketball. Yvette [Prieto, Jordan's wife] joins me in sending my deepest condolences to Vanessa, the Lakers organization and basketball fans around the world."
Phil Jackson, Bryant's former coach with the Lakers, told Bleacher Report in a statement that "the crash was a tragedy for multiple families. My heart goes out to Vanessa and the families that lost loved ones. Kobe was a chosen one -- special in many ways to many people. Our relationship as coach/player transcended the norm. He went beyond the veil."
A Philadelphia native, Bryant was selected No. 13 overall in 1996 by the Charlotte Hornets before being traded to the Lakers. With the Lakers, he wore both Nos. 8 and 24, both of which were retired by the franchise. He was credited with changing how NBA front offices viewed wing talent entering the draft out of high school.
"I'm happy just to be in any conversation with Kobe Bean Bryant. One of the all-time greatest basketball players to ever play, one of the all-time greatest Lakers," James said Saturday night. "The man got two jerseys hanging up in Staples Center. It's just crazy."
Bryant is the only player in NBA history to have multiple jerseys retired by a franchise.
On Nov. 29, 2015, Bryant announced that he intended to retire at the end of the season, which launched a farewell tour for the ages. He played in 66 games that season for Los Angeles, averaging 17.6 points, 3.7 rebounds and 2.8 assists.
In his final game, on April 13, 2016, he scored 60 points, leading the Lakers past the Utah Jazz 101-96.
Another Lakers legend, Magic Johnson, also said he was "heartbroken" over Bryant's death.
While Bryant was an unqualified star on the court, he did have controversy off it. He was accused of sexual assault in Colorado in 2003. The criminal case was dropped the next year, but Bryant still issued an apology. He said he considered the encounter to be consensual but recognized that the woman "did not and does not view this incident the same way I did."
Bryant married Vanessa Laine Bryant in 2001, and they had four daughters together. Their oldest, Natalia, is 17, and their youngest, Capri, is 7 months old. They also have a 3-year-old, Bianka. Bryant's father, Joe "Jellybean" Bryant, is a former NBA player.
People were glued to their phones and TV screens all around the world Sunday as news of the crash spread and networks broke into programming with live coverage.
Thousands of people remembered Bryant outside Staples Center on Sunday in downtown Los Angeles. Mourners in No. 24 jerseys mixed with those arriving at the downtown arena in fancy dress for Sunday evening's Grammy Awards. People carried flowers and chanted "Kobe!'' and "MVP!'' under giant video screens showing Bryant's smiling face.
"This is where we needed to be,'' said Naveen Cheerath, 31, who was among those who gathered downtown.
After his playing days ended, Bryant transitioned into a post-basketball life that was far from retirement. He won an Academy Award in 2018, taking home an Oscar for the animated short "Dear Basketball." Bryant also created a children's book series, inspired by his love for "Harry Potter," and it became a New York Times bestseller.
Nichols: Kobe loved being a dad
New York Mets star Jeff McNeil played for Altobelli, who managed the Brewster Whitecaps of the Cape Cod League, in 2012.
"He's one of the main reasons I'm still playing professional baseball," McNeil told ESPN's Jeff Passan of Altobelli.
McNeil said he struggled in college at Long Beach State, but one of his coaches called Altobelli, a California junior college legend, and asked him to bring McNeil to the Cape.
"He took a chance on me, kept me the whole summer," McNeil said. "Him taking that chance on me, having me on his team, got me drafted."
On Sunday morning, Colin Storm was in his living room in Calabasas when he heard "what sounded like a low-flying airplane or helicopter."
"It was very foggy, so we couldn't see anything," he said, according to a report by The Associated Press. "But then we heard some sputtering and then a boom."
The fog then cleared a bit, and Storm could see smoke rising from the hillside in front of his home.
Juan Bonilla of Calabasas said he was working on his roof Sunday morning when he heard a helicopter flying low. He said he thought it was a sheriff's helicopter on a training mission. He heard nothing amiss with the engine or rotors and said he did not see any mechanical issue with the chopper. It was foggy, but he said visibility didn't seem to be low at the time of the crash.
Osby said firefighters found a quarter-mile brush fire when they hiked into the scene. Paramedics were lowered from a helicopter.
FAA spokesman Allen Kenitzer said the downed chopper was a Sikorsky S-76.
The NTSB sent a "go team" of investigators to the site. The NTSB typically issues a preliminary report within about 10 days of a crash that will give a rough summary of what investigators have learned. A ruling on the cause of a crash can take a year or more.
ESPN's Adrian Wojnarowski, Dave McMenamin and The Associated Press contributed to this report.
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segunda-feira, janeiro 27, 2020
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Tudo o que está acontecendo hoje na Guiné-Bissau, a culpa é exclusivamente da CEDEAO, CPLP, União Africana e a União Europeia!
Por O Democrata Osvaldo Osvaldo
Povo da Guiné-Bissau
Uma análise rápida e máxima do regresso ao passado, no geografia contemporânea do nosso País, sobre os acontecimentos inacreditáveis, na cara da sociedade Guineense.
Um raciocínio coerente é necessariamente verdadeiro, que muitos não vão ter como contestar porque é derivado há o que aconteceu da nossa frente e nós estamos com olhos abertos.
Tudo o que está acontecendo hoje na Guiné-Bissau, a culpa é exclusivamente da CEDEAO, CPLP, União Africana e a União Europeia!
E porquê?
Porque contribuíram grandemente na criação desse MONSTRO chamado Domingos Simões Pereira, vulgo DSP!
Um homem, que teve parte da sua educação na antiga União Soviética, precisamente na Ucrânia!
Um homem que tem um apetite desmedido pelo Poder à moda Soviética isto é, autoritário e anti-democrático!
Usando dos valores democráticos para atingir o Poder para depois não aceitar os valores que regem a nobreza dos regimes democráticos que dignificam os Estados e valores da democracia isto é o poder vem do Povo e só à ele compete!
Por isso se chama DEMOCRACIA! DEMO = Povo e CRACIA = Poder!
Essas Organizações de uma forma ou outra e inconscientemente, fizeram do Domingos Simões Pereira o que ele hoje é para além da sua longa vivência no regime Comunista da União Soviética!
Durante 4 longos anos o Domingos Simões Pereira fez crer ao Mundo inteiro que Sua Excelência Senhor Presidente da República, Dr José Mário Vaz era o maior obstáculo para o progresso, desenvolvimento e a democracia na Guiné-Bissau.
Mas, agora torna-se mais do que evidente que na verdade o maior problema para o desenvolvimento, progresso e a democracia na Guiné-Bissau chama-se e sempre foi o PAIGC e o agora seu líder absoluto e falhado chamado Domingos Simões Pereira vulgo DSP!
Senão vejamos:
Nunca na história da democracia e das eleições se viu algo parecido nas coligações após eleições como a que se viu na Guiné-Bissau nas eleições de 10 de Março de 2019!
As coligações fazem-se antes das eleições e depois de serem conhecidos os resultados mas, no caso das últimas eleições legislativas, depois das votações e quando se esperava do anúncio dos resultados.
O PAIGC e Domingos Simões Pereira, solicitaram o APU-PDGB de Nuno Nabian uma coligação sem ainda terem o conhecimento das suas percentagens e número dos deputados que cada um desses partidos teriam e como foi isso possível?
Houve fuga ilegal de informação na CNE?
Sem sombra de dúvidas que sim!
Ilegal e anti-democrático?
Sem dúvidas!
E porquê que o Supremo Tribunal de Justiça (STJ) não anulou as eleições?
É mais do que óbvio que o PAIGC como era um Partido-Estado e detentor de todas as Instituições do Estado até hoje e controladas por ele pois, toda a hierarquia superior dessas Instituições são, membros activos do PAIGC!
Por isso, o PAIGC é, sempre o vencedor na Guiné-Bissau!
Mas desta vez, a UNIÃO da OPOSIÇÃO, foi uma GRANDE SURPRESA para o PAIGC!
E quando o PAIGC e seu candidato e líder falhado foram finalmente derrotados na segunda volta das eleições presidenciais, custa lhes crer na derrota e a na victória da oposição!
Dessa grande união, o Umaru Sissoko Embaló, foi eleito Presidente da República da Guiné-Bissau!
Sabendo que dessa derrota o princípio do fim do MONSTRO CRIMINOSO e do seu líder falhado tinha chegado e com ele todas as mordomias e corrupção e o tráfico de drogas que era uma fonte de enriquecimento ilícito que deu mau nome à Guiné-Bissau e seus cidadãos!
Agora a CEDEAO, CPLP, UNIÃO AFRICANA, A UNIÃO EUROPEIA, têem que assumir em colectivo as responsabilidades da criação dessa monstruosidade e a sua destruição para que a Paz e o bem- estar na Guiné-Bissau e que a Democracia e o Desenvolvimento seja uma realidade finalmente possível!
O Presidente Umaru Sissoko Embaló, só terá uma tarefa prioritária das prioritárias a destruição de todo esse aparelho roto e altamente corrupto implantado pelo PAIGC ao longo dos últimos 46 anos em que esteve à frente do Estado da Guiné-Bissau!
Senão vejamos; a bandeira nacional é a bandeira do PAIGC e uma propriedade do Estado foi tomada pelo PAIGC como a sua Sede nacional enquanto os outros partidos políticos, são obrigados a construírem as suas Sedes ou alugarem as casas para as suas Sedes!
O PAIGC, só aceita os resultados eleitorais quando o PAIGC as ganha e nada mais, porque no seu íntimo a Guiné-Bissau é a sua propriedade privada e nada menos do que isso!
Mas, desta vez, o POVO, decidiu para uma MUDANÇA EFECTIVA e Já!!
Vamos desta vez, UNIDOS, mudar a Guiné-Bissau para que ela seja justa, solidária, fraterna, coesa e democrática!
VIVA Democracia em andamento.
O Democrata mente progressista em ação, e suas previsões acertadas!
Povo da Guiné-Bissau
Uma análise rápida e máxima do regresso ao passado, no geografia contemporânea do nosso País, sobre os acontecimentos inacreditáveis, na cara da sociedade Guineense.
Um raciocínio coerente é necessariamente verdadeiro, que muitos não vão ter como contestar porque é derivado há o que aconteceu da nossa frente e nós estamos com olhos abertos.
Tudo o que está acontecendo hoje na Guiné-Bissau, a culpa é exclusivamente da CEDEAO, CPLP, União Africana e a União Europeia!
E porquê?
Porque contribuíram grandemente na criação desse MONSTRO chamado Domingos Simões Pereira, vulgo DSP!
Um homem que tem um apetite desmedido pelo Poder à moda Soviética isto é, autoritário e anti-democrático!
Usando dos valores democráticos para atingir o Poder para depois não aceitar os valores que regem a nobreza dos regimes democráticos que dignificam os Estados e valores da democracia isto é o poder vem do Povo e só à ele compete!
Por isso se chama DEMOCRACIA! DEMO = Povo e CRACIA = Poder!
Essas Organizações de uma forma ou outra e inconscientemente, fizeram do Domingos Simões Pereira o que ele hoje é para além da sua longa vivência no regime Comunista da União Soviética!
Durante 4 longos anos o Domingos Simões Pereira fez crer ao Mundo inteiro que Sua Excelência Senhor Presidente da República, Dr José Mário Vaz era o maior obstáculo para o progresso, desenvolvimento e a democracia na Guiné-Bissau.
Mas, agora torna-se mais do que evidente que na verdade o maior problema para o desenvolvimento, progresso e a democracia na Guiné-Bissau chama-se e sempre foi o PAIGC e o agora seu líder absoluto e falhado chamado Domingos Simões Pereira vulgo DSP!
Senão vejamos:
Nunca na história da democracia e das eleições se viu algo parecido nas coligações após eleições como a que se viu na Guiné-Bissau nas eleições de 10 de Março de 2019!
As coligações fazem-se antes das eleições e depois de serem conhecidos os resultados mas, no caso das últimas eleições legislativas, depois das votações e quando se esperava do anúncio dos resultados.
O PAIGC e Domingos Simões Pereira, solicitaram o APU-PDGB de Nuno Nabian uma coligação sem ainda terem o conhecimento das suas percentagens e número dos deputados que cada um desses partidos teriam e como foi isso possível?
Houve fuga ilegal de informação na CNE?
Sem sombra de dúvidas que sim!
Ilegal e anti-democrático?
Sem dúvidas!
E porquê que o Supremo Tribunal de Justiça (STJ) não anulou as eleições?
É mais do que óbvio que o PAIGC como era um Partido-Estado e detentor de todas as Instituições do Estado até hoje e controladas por ele pois, toda a hierarquia superior dessas Instituições são, membros activos do PAIGC!
Por isso, o PAIGC é, sempre o vencedor na Guiné-Bissau!
Mas desta vez, a UNIÃO da OPOSIÇÃO, foi uma GRANDE SURPRESA para o PAIGC!
E quando o PAIGC e seu candidato e líder falhado foram finalmente derrotados na segunda volta das eleições presidenciais, custa lhes crer na derrota e a na victória da oposição!
Dessa grande união, o Umaru Sissoko Embaló, foi eleito Presidente da República da Guiné-Bissau!
Sabendo que dessa derrota o princípio do fim do MONSTRO CRIMINOSO e do seu líder falhado tinha chegado e com ele todas as mordomias e corrupção e o tráfico de drogas que era uma fonte de enriquecimento ilícito que deu mau nome à Guiné-Bissau e seus cidadãos!
Agora a CEDEAO, CPLP, UNIÃO AFRICANA, A UNIÃO EUROPEIA, têem que assumir em colectivo as responsabilidades da criação dessa monstruosidade e a sua destruição para que a Paz e o bem- estar na Guiné-Bissau e que a Democracia e o Desenvolvimento seja uma realidade finalmente possível!
O Presidente Umaru Sissoko Embaló, só terá uma tarefa prioritária das prioritárias a destruição de todo esse aparelho roto e altamente corrupto implantado pelo PAIGC ao longo dos últimos 46 anos em que esteve à frente do Estado da Guiné-Bissau!
Senão vejamos; a bandeira nacional é a bandeira do PAIGC e uma propriedade do Estado foi tomada pelo PAIGC como a sua Sede nacional enquanto os outros partidos políticos, são obrigados a construírem as suas Sedes ou alugarem as casas para as suas Sedes!
O PAIGC, só aceita os resultados eleitorais quando o PAIGC as ganha e nada mais, porque no seu íntimo a Guiné-Bissau é a sua propriedade privada e nada menos do que isso!
Mas, desta vez, o POVO, decidiu para uma MUDANÇA EFECTIVA e Já!!
Vamos desta vez, UNIDOS, mudar a Guiné-Bissau para que ela seja justa, solidária, fraterna, coesa e democrática!
VIVA Democracia em andamento.
O Democrata mente progressista em ação, e suas previsões acertadas!
Posted by
segunda-feira, janeiro 27, 2020
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Leopold Sedar Domingos was live
Leopold Sedar Domingos
Posted by
segunda-feira, janeiro 27, 2020
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