domingo, 5 de janeiro de 2014

OPINIÃO: Voltar as costas à Guiné-Bissau não resolverá a crise


A crise política que a Guiné-Bissau atravessa exige um muito maior envolvimento de toda a Comunidade Lusófona.

A consciência dos povos também se formata por agendas mediáticas e, não obstante a pulverização dos meios (sobretudo na “internet”), a televisão continua a ser o meio por excelência. Por isso, continuo a defender um Serviço Público de Televisão, que saiba difundir a visão que mais tenha a ver com os interesses estratégicos de Portugal.

Hoje, isso está ainda muito longe de acontecer. Apenas um exemplo: a atenção que a RTP (Rádio Televisão Portuguesa) dedica, em geral, ao espaço lusófono. Em comparação com o acompanhamento que dedica a outros espaços geopolíticos, a única conclusão possível é que para a RTP o espaço lusófono continua a ser algo de residual.

Dos outros canais nem vale a pena falar, pois ainda conseguem ser piores. Quando há alguma notícia é, em regra, pelas piores razões, como se tudo o que acontece no espaço lusófono fosse, por definição, mau. As boas notícias (quase) nunca aparecem nos grandes noticiários - antes são remetidas para guetos televisivos. Tudo o mais parece servir apenas para perpetuar os lugares-comuns de sempre: “o Brasil é o país do samba e do futebol”, a “África é um continente perdido”, etc.

É bem verdade que o mau exemplo vem de cima. Alguém me sabe explicar, por exemplo, porque todos os nossos líderes políticos aparecem sempre com as bandeiras de Portugal e da União Europeia (para além da bandeira partidária) e nunca também com a bandeira da CPLP: Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa? Bastaria esse pequeno gesto simbólico para que a Lusofonia tivesse um peso maior no nosso espaço mediático.

No muito a mudar em 2014, que algo mude também nesta área. Em prol disso, transcrevo aqui a Declaração que o MIL emitiu sobre a mais recente incidente com a Guiné-Bissau:

“Repudiando, com toda a veemência, o incidente que levou a que um avião da TAP: Transportes Aéreos Portugueses tivesse sido obrigado a transportar, de forma ilegal, cerca de setenta cidadãos sírios, o MIL: Movimento Internacional Lusófono não pode aceitar a manutenção da suspensão de voos da TAP para a Guiné-Bissau.

Como o MIL tem reiteradamente defendido, a crise política que a Guiné-Bissau atravessa exige um muito maior envolvimento de toda a Comunidade Lusófona. Voltar as costas à Guiné-Bissau não resolverá a crise, antes a agravará ainda mais.

Nessa medida, o MIL reclama o restabelecimento, tão imediato quanto possível, dos voos da TAP para a Guiné-Bissau, com expressas garantias de segurança dadas pelas autoridades guineenses. Essa ligação aérea é vital não apenas para a preservação da relação entre Portugal e Guiné-Bissau, como, por extensão, da relação entre a Guiné-Bissau e toda a Comunidade Lusófona.

Aproveitamos, a este respeito, a oportunidade para relançar uma das propostas do MIL: agora que se fala de novo na privatização da TAP, é tempo de se criar uma companhia aérea à escala lusófona, que tenha como prioridade a ligação entre as principais cidades de todo os países e regiões de língua portuguesa, sem esquecer as várias diásporas lusófonas.”

Presidente do MIL: Movimento Internacional Lusófono

Guiné-Bissau e Portugal: estamos “condenados” a entender-nos


Ao longo destes meses, não fomos nós, guineenses, que tomámos atitudes hostis ou conducentes a um esfriar de relações entre os nossos países.

Sejamos claros: a Guiné-Bissau e Portugal estão “condenados” a entenderem-se. É muito mais o que histórica e afectivamente nos une que o que pontualmente nos possa episodicamente separar. E isso é algo que nós, responsáveis políticos de ambos os países, temos obrigação de ter presente na nossa actuação, mesmo quando por vezes, em defesa dos interesses e das razões que assistem os nossos países, temos de aqui e ali falar mais alto ou de forma mais firme.

Falta gasóleo nas bombas da Guiné-Bissau

A Guiné-Bissau iniciou 2014 com uma rutura nas  reservas de gasóleo nas bombas comerciais, o que está a causar transtornos  aos automobilistas e obrigou à paragem parcial da central elétrica de Bissau,  disse à Lusa fonte governamental. 

sábado, 4 de janeiro de 2014

Genetic Discovery Could Help Researchers Reverse Aging And Prolong Lifespan

A new genetic discovery suggests the battle against aging could be as simple as flipping a switch.

Studies have shown calorie restriction can be effective in slowing aging and extending the lifespan, which is why researchers at Tel Aviv University's Blavatnik School of Computer Science zeroed in on the metabolic function to try and identify the "aging genes." Doctoral student Keren Yizhak and her colleagues teamed with researchers from Bar-Ilan University to create a computer-based metabolic transformational algorithm -- or MTA -- to predict which genes could be shut off to produce the same effect as calorie restriction.

Using the MTA, Yizhak and her team were able to predict the genes in yeast that could essentially be shut off in order to turn the genetic expression of older yeast into that of younger yeast. Calorie restriction has been proven to extend lifespan in yeast and it is commonly used for genetic modeling.
The researchers identified two genes in particular, GRE3 and ADH2, which can extend the lifespan of yeast when they are switched off. They applied the MTA to human metabolic information and pinpointed a set of genes that can change anywhere from 40 to 70 percent of the differences between old and young metabolic systems.
Scientists have similarly looked at telomeres in our DNA, the structures found at the end of our chromosomes, and found that telomere length can predict the likelihood of age-related health conditions like heart disease and cancer.

Meanwhile, Yizhak next plans to use the MTA to determine if the lifespan of genetically engineered mice can be lengthened by turning off the aging genes. In one recent study, researchers were able to successfully reverse aging in mice by using a special compound, making older mice as strong as younger mice. "Our algorithm is the first in our field to look for drug targets not to kill cells, but to transform them from a diseased state into a healthy one," Yizhak said in a release.

Who knows? Perhaps one day the discovery could be used to help humans live longer and fight off cancer, obesity, and diabetes where metabolic functions play a role.

Know that 50 is the new sexy!

It's not like back in the day when bumpy meant you had to go frumpy, and gray and white hairs meant your youth was over and you should start "acting your age." Why are things different now? Because, although aging is a reality of counted time and physical changes, we know better now. Know that 50 is the new sexy, and that you have all the goods you need. It's time to enhance what you already possess.

Entering into your fifties, you've come to understand that who you are in the world says it all — you don't have to prove anything to anyone, and your relationships with others are your signature. Furthermore, you've had to accept the little physical changes that have been taking place for a while now, and your beauty will show through to the end in the consistency and frequency of your smile and sound of your laughter.

1. Know/exude confidence: 
You've already figured out that your partner, or potential partners, are simply attracted to the woman's body. Your body doesn't have to be "model-perfect" to be attractive; it just is. Women are born into the physiques that arouse by nature. You just got it, so own it! You're attractive to those who you want attention from (and even many, many more that you may not). Have confidence in this fact. Anything conveyed to the contrary, is merely said in an attempt to have you feel a certain way for a particular motive — don't believe it! Confidence itself is very sexy.

2. Jazz it up a bit: 
Get a few new styles of clothes and accessories, then head to the tailor to get those off-the-rack clothes fitted correctly. Take along some of the clothes you already have in the closet, too. It's amazing what a little tailoring will do for your look. Shop around to find someone reasonably priced. And don't be afraid to fit the form you've got, and go for a high hemline or low-cut short once in a while (but not both at the same time).

Here's a little story... I'm a writer and coach from my home-office. As I enjoy the morning being the most creative part of my day, I'll go straight from coffee and morning ritual onto the computer. So I may not shower and primp until late in the day if I don't have to be anywhere, and I'm totally OK with that. But if I do this too many days in a row, my partner starts looking at me funny — kind of worn down with disappointment. He likes me to look my best sometimes, even frequently, because it makes him think I'm doing it to impress him — and truth? That is my only motivation at times.

The moral of this story is that as I am very comfortable in who I am; I don't feel like I have to impress anyone. But what I've found is that sometimes my partner wants me to impress him as he is always doing things to impress me, still after all these years. Then he feels sexy if I work to impress him (sexy + sexy = lots of fun!)

3. Minimize the granny-panties! 
These panties were designed to hide the panty lines when we wear dresses and professional/dress slacks... but so does a nicely fitted thong! And guess which one your partner is going to prefer when you both undress together? Remember, no matter how big (or small) your butt is, and no matter what you think of it, your partner is going to find it a pretty big turn-on. (I really feel there should have been a class on this in high school, don't you?!)

4. A new you with every do:
Color your hair, cut it, change around the style every once in a while. It's very sexy when a woman changes her appearance perodically, or for different occasions. First, it shows that she cares and takes pride in her appearance. It also caters to the confidence in a couple ways: it feels great when all the compliments come in. It also shows that you know you have something good to work with, and a reason for doing it. Knowing "you got it" tells others you got it (fake it 'til you make it, if you have to)!

5. Wake up the face:
A little liner goes a long way. If you don't have the time, or desire, to make up your whole face to accentuate your features or minimize imperfections, who cares?! But if you want just a little pop, you can put some liner around your eyelids, maybe some powder and a bit of glimmer or moisture on your lips. Don't get it wrong, all natural is sexy too — it's the caring for yourself, how you look and feel, that's amazingly sexy outwardly. And inside, it feels great too.

Last but not least, do some random checks to find out different perspectives on you and your efforts. If you have a man, don't ask him — it won't count. Males learn early on what to say to a woman when she asks these type of questions. They've found that it's likely be "a set up" question. You'll have to gather his honest opinion by his actions and comments as he blesses you with them.

For a real check, take advantage of opportunities when the topic of age comes up in a conversation amongst strangers or acquaintances. Sometimes "sexy" as a 50-something can be broken down to include looking younger than people expect for your age. But if you look healthy, and confident, then when you're told by strangers that you appear much younger than you actually are, you can translate those observations back into your sexy-meter (at least that's what I'm doing with them! Wink and smile)!

If you will become intentional about being healthy, fit, agile, sexy, and full of vigor well into your hundredth year of life, then you will naturally cultivate these desirable qualities. Go ahead and make that intention each morning, or as often as you can... and add in that it's OK to let yourself pull on sweatpants now and then.

sexta-feira, 3 de janeiro de 2014

Guiné-Bissau: Política interna não melhorou, política externa frágil com questão síria

Lassana Casamá VOA
Os factos falam por si: a detenção do antigo Chefe de Estado-maior da Armada Guineense, José Américo Bubo Na Tchuto, por parte das autoridades norte americanas, uma detenção que abriu o ano, com implicações diplomáticas e politicas a preço muito alto para Guiné-Bissau, que para justificar a sua desarticulação escolheu um Bode Expiatório: Cabo Verde, acusando este país de ter colaborado com Administração Norte América para apreensão de Bubu Na Tchuto

Reservas de petróleo da Guiné são superiores ao previsto

Um estudo da empresa de consultoria francesa Beicip-Franlab, encomendado pela CAP Energy, acaba de comprovar que as reservas de petróleo no Bloco 5 (Becuda), no “offshore” da Guiné-Bissau, são acima das expectativas iniciais.

Guiné-Bissau: Koumba Yala anuncia apoio a candidato presidencial

Na Guiné-Bissau, o líder fundador do Partido da Renovação Social (PRS), formação política guineense com maior expressão na oposição, anunciou hoje o seu apoio ao candidato às presidenciais de Março, Nuno Gomes Na Bian, até aqui como independente.

domingo, 29 de dezembro de 2013

Condoms 'too big' for Indian men

condoms of mixed sizes
A survey of more than 1,000 men in India has concluded that condoms made according to international sizes are too large for a majority of Indian men.

The study found that more than half of the men measured had penises that were shorter than international standards for condoms.

It has led to a call for condoms of mixed sizes to be made more widely available in India.

The two-year study was carried out by the Indian Council of Medical Research.
Over 1,200 volunteers from the length and breadth of the country had their penises measured precisely, down to the last millimetre.

The scientists even checked their sample was representative of India as a whole in terms of class, religion and urban and rural dwellers.

The conclusion of all this scientific endeavour is that about 60% of Indian men have penises which are between three and five centimetres shorter than international standards used in condom manufacture.

Doctor Chander Puri, a specialist in reproductive health at the Indian Council of Medical Research, told the BBC there was an obvious need in India for custom-made condoms, as most of those currently on sale are too large.
The issue is serious because about one in every five times a condom is used in India it either falls off or tears, an extremely high failure rate. And the country already has the highest number of HIV infections of any nation.

'Not a problem'
Mr Puri said that since Indians would be embarrassed about going to a chemist to ask for smaller condoms there should be vending machines dispensing different sizes all around the country.

"Smaller condoms are on sale in India. But there is a lack of awareness that different sizes are available. There is anxiety talking about the issue. And normally one feels shy to go to a chemist's shop and ask for a smaller size condom."

But Indian men need not be concerned about measuring up internationally according to Sunil Mehra, the former editor of the Indian version of the men's magazine Maxim.

"It's not size, it's what you do with it that matters," he said.

"From our population, the evidence is Indians are doing pretty well.

"With apologies to the poet Alexander Pope, you could say, for inches and centimetres, let fools contend."

By Damian Grammaticus 

BBC News, Delhi

'Magnetic man' breaks spoon record in Georgia

Etibar Elchiyev posing with 53 metal spoons magnetised to his body

Georgian Etibar Elchev has broken his own record for carrying metal spoons on his chest and back.

Mr Elchev claims he has magnetic properties that attract the 53 spoons to his body.

Presidente da UNITA antevê maior sofrimento para os angolanos em 2014.

LUANDA — Em discurso de fim de ano, dirigido para os membros de seu partido e convidados, Isaías Samakuva considerou que alguma coisa não está bem pelo facto do país registar crescimento económico que não se reflecte na vida dos cidadãos.

Mariah Carey acusada de receber “dinheiro de ditadores”

Mariah Carey com Isabel dos Santos, José Eduardo dos Santos e Ana Paula dos Santos

Mariah Carey é acusada pela Fundação dos Direitos Humanos de receber dinheiro de um ditador, ao aceitar o convite de Isabel dos Santos, filha do Presidente angolano, para actuar em Angola.

sábado, 28 de dezembro de 2013

China proíbe videojogo por ameaça à segurança nacional

Battlefield 4, da Electronic Arts, retrata a cruzada de um almirante chinês para derrubar o governo do país.

Ameaça à segurança nacional. Foi este o argumento invocado pelo Governo chinês para proibir a venda no país de Battlefield 4, a mais recente versão do famoso videojogo de guerra da Electronic Arts para computadores e consolas de última geração.

Em causa na decisão das autoridades chinesas está não o jogo em si mas um pacote de expansão com um novo enredo e missões que os jogadores podem descarregar online. Intitulado China Rising, a sua acção desenrola-se na China em 2020 e segue a história ficcional de um almirante chinês e da sua cruzada para derrubar o governo.

Segundo o site PCGames, o Ministério da Cultura chinês classificou o jogo de ilegal por “ameaçar a segurança nacional” e representar uma forma de “agressão cultural”. A interdição agora anunciada inclui todos os materiais relacionados com o jogo, incluindo cartazes promocionais e versões de demonstração. Também a expressão "ZhanDi4", tradução chinesa para Battlefield 4, foi censurada em sites como o Weibo, a maior rede social do país.

Lançado no passado mês de Outubro, Battlefield 4 está disponível em vários mercados da América do Norte, Europa, Japão e Oceânia. A norte-americana Electronic Arts, um dos maiores fabricantes de videojogos do mundo — são dela títulos como o simulador de futebol Fifa, mas também jogos de sucesso como The Sims, Medal of Honor ou Need for Speed —, recusou comentar o assunto.

Comunicado: PJ Guineense desmente o PGR, Abdú Mané

Nota de Imprensa Nº 03/2013

Balanço de 2013 sobre África

Mandela, guerras e José Eduardo dos Santos marcam ano em África

sexta-feira, 27 de dezembro de 2013


Ciente de que muito há para esclarecer quer da parte das autoridades de transição da Guiné-Bissau, quer da parte das autoridades portuguesas, que se solidarizaram com a transportadora aérea TAP e, consensualmente, decidiram por um radicalismo de posicionamento que culminou com a suspensão dos voos Lisboa/Bissau e vice-versa, através dos aviões da TAP, não posso deixar de continuar a questionar uma série de ocorrências, no intuito de perceber o que de facto aconteceu, tendo em conta que, há um Regime Jurídico português que nos especifica as condições de entrada, permanência, saída e afastamento de estrangeiros do território português, isto porque, o que aconteceu relativamente aos 74 sírios, tem de facto, enquadramento jurídico no referido diploma, pelo qual, se deve analisar os envolvimentos, as implicações, as consequências, as responsabilidades e responsabilizações da parte da transportadora aérea portuguesa TAP, ainda que, essa tarefa pudesse ser realizada em estreita colaboração/cooperação com as autoridades de facto da Guiné-Bissau, de modo a se providenciar um Inquérito rigoroso e abrangente, para apuramento da verdade e consequente responsabilização, tendo em conta a questão de fundo, que originou o radicalismo da parte portuguesa, ou seja, a coação militar, interpretada como quebra de segurança grave, que depois das primeiras versões, se diluiu e se sustenta presentemente numa alusão a "pressão" ou "exigência" por telefone, do ministro do Interior do Governo de Transição da Guiné-Bissau ao chefe de escala da TAP em Bissau, no sentido de se concretizar o embarque dos 74 sírios, o que, não tem, nem de perto, nem de longe, o mesmo sentido; o mesmo impacto político e social, da versão primeira sobre a coação militar ao Comandante de bordo e à tripulação.

Ministro da Guiné-Bissau chama "infantil" ao Presidente português

O ministro de Estado e da Presidência da Guiné-Bissau Fernando Vaz desvalorizou, em entrevista à rádio portuguesa TSF, o incidente que envolveu um avião da TAP e refugiados sírios que viajavam com passaportes ilegais, acusando, inclusive, o Presidente de Portugal Aníbal Cavaco Silva, de ter sido “infantil” na forma como reagiu ao caso.

Cavaco Silva foi “infantil” e Portugal politizou incidente com TAP, diz ministro guineense

Desilusão com Cavaco Silva, críticas a Portugal e denúncias de fragilidades no processo de controlo da TAP. Foi assim que o ministro de Estado e da Presidência da Guiné-Bissau, Fernando Vaz, reagiu à polémica sobre o embarque forçado de 74 sírios, que a 10 de Dezembro viajaram de Bissau para a Lisboa a bordo de um avião da TAP

quinta-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2013

África: Persistem ameaças terroristas apesar de ganhos militares em 2013

Os Estados Unidos da América e a União Europeia estão a seguir de perto as ameaças dos grupos terroristas em Africa e tal como outras potências ocidentais prometem meios para combater o extremismo no continente.

O ano de 2013 parece ter sido o momento em que o mundo se despertou acerca do terrorismo africano.

Houve vitórias militares contra grupos islâmicos extremistas no Mali e na Somália, entretanto seguidas de outros ataques terroristas em países vizinhos, demonstrando assim o carácter complexo e persistente das ameaças que ainda existem.

O ano de 2013 começou com a intervenção militar francesa no Mali. Combatentes ligados a al-Qaida que controlavam o norte do país estavam em avanço para o sul.

As tropas malianas não puderam resistir sozinhas. Mas mesmo após a liberação do norte pelas tropas francesas e africanas, os combatentes jihadistas lançaram ataques de represália contra as instalações de produção de gás de Ain Amenas, na Argélia, fazendo centenas de reféns e no final pelo menos 36 mortos - todos eles trabalhadores estrangeiros.

A Somália parecia estar no fim da picada no início de 2013. Tropas quenianas e da União Africana combateram o grupo de milícia al-Shabab nos principais centros urbanos onde tinham encontrado o refúgio.

Mas em Setembro, um pequeno grupo de militantes da al-Shabab atacou um centro comercial em Nairobi, matando mais de 60 pessoas deixando de rastos as agências de segurança e de inteligência quenianas.
O mundo viu através da televisão centenas de sobreviventes.

“Tudo quanto me lembro é das pessoas dizendo, deitem-se por terra. Todos se deitaram e rastejaram.”

A Nigéria anunciou que estava a apertar o cerco contra a crescente insurreição radical da Boko Haram, que tem vindo a combater desde 2009. No mês de Maio, tropas governamentais deram o início a ofensiva contra a seita. As Nações Unidas afirmam que a ofensiva que ainda continua já matou 1200 pessoas. Mas a Boko Haram continua a atacar.

Tudo o que tem vindo a acontecer em África, parece similar. Insurrectos islâmicos assumem o controlo de territórios, erguem esconderijos, e chegam mesmo a tentar governar. Mas logo que enfrenta acções militares, abandonam os centros urbanos e dispersam-se. Alguns são mortos, outros escapam-se para retaliar mais tarde, depois de reforçados por novos recrutas.

O pesquisador senegalês Bakary Sambe diz que a intervenção militar, em particular pelas forças ocidentais, exacerbam a radicação desses grupos.

“É absurdo dizer, pode-se fazer guerra contra o terrorismo que pela natureza está a expandir e regenerar-se constantemente. Também precisamos de combater as causas da radicalização: pobreza, o sentimento de frustração e de rejeição pelo estado, e o sub-desenvolvimento…o ponto crucial do terrorismo e de todo o extremismo violento é a exploração da miséria social. É acerca da exploração daqueles que se sentem abandonados económica e politicamente.”

Analistas afirmam que a al-Shabab continua a ser o grupo extremista em África mais organizado, e ate aqui a organização mais chegada à al-Qaida, e a publicidade que granjeou com o ataque ao centro comercial Westgate no Quénia revitalizou a sua acção no recrutamento no estrangeiro.

Os Estados Unidos da América e a União Europeia estão a seguir de perto as ameaças dos grupos terroristas em Africa. Mas a excepção da França, que continua combater os extremistas no Mali, as potências ocidentais afirmam que no futuro vão continuar a apoiar os esforços de financiamento para assistir e treinar tropas africanas com vista a conter o extremismo violento.

OPINIÃO- Um Senado para a Guiné-Bissau


Urge criar soluções que possam dar à Guiné-Bissau uma nova fase de paz social.

Um país em construção apresenta um grupo de vantagens e, ao mesmo tempo, de desvantagens que reside na fragilidade das instituições do Estado. No caso da Guiné-Bissau, temos uma identidade coletiva construída em torno de grupos e de etnias, alguns deles transnacionais, cimentada essa identidade nos próprios processos de independência e na construção de uma vontade comum de daí construir um Estado.

No momento presente parece não carecer de grande demonstração a verificação da fragilidade das instituições do Estado guineense. Da mesma forma as sucessivas lutas, por vezes violentas, entre lideranças políticas demonstra também a inadaptação da aplicação de um modelo político ocidentalizado a uma realidade cultural muito específica. O desenvolvimento e instalação, nos últimos anos, de rotas de narcotráfico, é "apenas" um dos muitos corolários lógicos correspondentes a um duplo processo que se cruza no tempo:                                                                 Leia Mais...........

domingo, 22 de dezembro de 2013

Are these accusations correct? Or is UNIOGBIS misinforming the United Nation?

Guinea Bissau: Security Council Presidential Statement, Deploring Military Interference, Urges Guinea-Bissau Authorities to Ensure Elections Without Further Delay

Addressing the situation in Guinea-Bissau today, the Security Council strongly deplored the repeated military interferences in civilian affairs and called for respect of the constitutional order, including the electoral process.

In a presidential statement (document S/PRST/2013/19), the Council took note of the postponement of the presidential and legislative elections to 16 March 2014 by the authorities in charge of the transitional period. It urged the transitional authorities to ensure there would be no further delay or postponement that could further affect the country's already fragile socioeconomic, security, humanitarian and human rights situation.

The Council also expressed grave concern at the recent deterioration of the security situation, including many cases of human rights violations. It stressed that deteriorating security had created an atmosphere of fear and intimidation, which, combined with the tension between the political parties, undermined an environment conducive to the holding of "timely, credible, peaceful and inclusive elections".

Further, recalling its resolution 2048 (2012), the Council reiterated its readiness to consider further measures, as it deemed necessary, including targeted sanctions against individuals who undermined efforts to restore the constitutional order. The Council also emphasized its concern about the prevailing culture of impunity and lack of accountability in the country.

Urging the transitional authorities to continue working collaboratively with the United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Office in Guinea-Bissau (UNIOGBIS) and the United Nations country team, the Council commended the Governments of Nigeria, Timor-Leste and other countries, as well as the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), European Union and the West African Monetary Union, for their generous contributions to support the electoral process.

In addition, the Council welcomed ECOWAS efforts to strengthen its mission in the country to assist the authorities in providing security for the upcoming elections. It urged ECOWAS and its m ember States, as well as its international partners, to continue coordinating further endeavours towards supporting peace, stability, rule of law and the fight against impunity.

The Council also welcomed the actions taken by UNIOGBIS and the United Nations Department of Political Affairs to contribute to the fight against drug trafficking in Guinea-Bissau, reiterating its call for international support for those activities.
The meeting began at 10:05 a.m. and ended at 10:10 a.m.

Presidential Statement

The full text of presidential statement S/PRST/2013/19 reads as follows:

"The Security Council recalls that the consolidation of peace and stability in Guinea-Bissau can only result from a consensual, inclusive and nationally owned transition process, the restoration of and respect for constitutional order, reforms in the defence, security and justice sectors, the promotion of the rule of law, the protection of human rights, the promotion of socioeconomic development, an improvement in the humanitarian situation and the fight against impunity and drug trafficking.

"The Security Council takes note of the postponement of the date of the presidential and legislative elections to 16 March 2014 by the authorities in charge of the transitional period and expresses its concern at the delay by the said authorities in taking the necessary steps for the timely adoption and implementation of decisions towards restoring constitutional order and to organizing inclusive elections. The Security Council urges the authorities in charge of the transitional period to ensure there is no further delay or postponement that could further affect the already fragile socioeconomic, security, humanitarian and human rights situation in Guinea-Bissau.

"The Security Council strongly deplores the repeated interference of the military in civilian affairs and calls upon the military to respect the constitutional order, including the electoral process. The Security Council reiterates its demand to the armed forces to submit themselves fully to civilian control.

"The Security Council reaffirms that it is critical that the authorities in charge of the transitional period and other stakeholders in Guinea-Bissau remain committed to ensuring the restoration of constitutional order in the country and calls upon them to continue to take further measures to ensure the smooth execution of the voter registration process. The Security Council further urges stakeholders in Guinea-Bissau to promote the principle of consensus to resolve outstanding issues in a peaceful manner.

"The Security Council expresses its grave concern at the recent deterioration of the security situation, including many cases of violations and abuses of human rights and acts of violence against persons and property, intimidation, threats and restrictions of freedom of expression and assembly and notes that in several cases, these acts have reportedly been carried out by State and non-State armed elements.

"The Security Council stresses that the deteriorating security situation has created an atmosphere of fear and intimidation in the population, which, combined with the tension between the political parties, undermine an environment conducive to the holding of timely, credible, peaceful and inclusive elections.

"The Security Council urges Authorities in charge of the transitional period to provide the security and create the conditions conducive to the safe full and equal participation of all political actors and all sectors of the society, in particular women in the political process and calls upon all stakeholders to contribute to that effect.

"The Security Council takes note of the establishment of the 'Coordinating Committee for the Electoral Process and Financial Support for the General Election of 2013 to 2014', which aims to ensure coordination among the partners and requests UNIOGBIS to provide, in accordance with its mandate, the relevant assistance to the aforementioned Coordinating Committee.

"The Security Council urges the Authorities in charge of the transitional period to continue to work collaboratively with the United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Office in Guinea-Bissau (UNIOGBIS) and the United Nations country team, as well as with other regional and international stakeholders, in order to ensure a peaceful and stable atmosphere before, during and after the elections, and a credible and peaceful outcome to the election.

"The Security Council notes that the support of Guinea‑Bissau's partners is required to finance the electoral process, and in this regard, commends the Governments of Nigeria, Timor-Leste and other countries, as well as the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), the European Union and the West African Monetary Union (WAEMU), for their generous contributions and pledges to support the electoral process. The Security Council further urges the relevant partners to ensure the timely disbursement of their pledges in order to facilitate the holding of the elections in March 2014.

"The Security Council urges stakeholders in Guinea-Bissau, including political and military leaders to refrain from any action that could hamper the electoral process and the implementation of reforms, which are key to the long-term stability of Guinea‑Bissau. The Security Council recalls its resolution 2048 (2012) and, in this regard, reiterates its readiness to consider further measures, as it deems necessary, including targeted sanctions against individuals who undermine efforts to restore the constitutional order.

"The Security Council commends ECOWAS for its actions on the ground, including through its mission in Guinea-Bissau (ECOMIB), and welcomes the intention of the organization to strengthen its mission to assist the Authorities in charge of the transitional period in providing security for the upcoming elections. The Security Council calls upon ECOWAS and its Members States, as well as its international partners to lend further support to ECOMIB in this regard and continue to coordinate further international efforts to support peace, stability, rule of law and the fights against impunity in Guinea-Bissau.

"The Security Council condemns the recent increase in the number of human rights violations and abuses in Guinea-Bissau and deplores the killing of a Nigerian citizen and the attacks on political actors, the civilian population and one United Nations staff member, as well as on the Nigerian Embassy. The Security Council urges the authorities in charge of the transitional period to ensure that credible investigations are carried out and that those responsible for those acts are brought to justice.

"The Security Council reiterates its concern about the prevailing culture of impunity and lack of accountability in Guinea-Bissau. The Security Council urges, in this regard, the authorities in charge of the transitional period to take swift action to fighteffectively impunity and promote justiceby ensuring that perpetrators are brought to justice.

"The Security Council reiterates its deep concern at continued drug trafficking in Guinea-Bissau, and at the threat it poses to stability in the country, as well as in its neighboring countriesand re-emphasises the need to tackle the problem of drug trafficking in the countries of origin, transit and final destination through an approach of common and shared responsibility.

"The Security Council welcomes the actions taken by UNIOGBIS and the United Nations Department of Political Affairs to contribute to the fight against drug trafficking in Guinea-Bissau, encourages UNIOGBIS to continue assisting the national authorities to combat drug trafficking and transnational organized crime in close cooperation with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), and in this regard, reiterates its call for international support to these activities.

"The Security Council urges the authorities in charge of the transitional period and national institutions of Guinea-Bissau to work together to alleviate social tensions and humanitarian hardships in order to ensure a climate that is peaceful and conducive to the implementation of far-reaching reforms for the consolidation of peace and democracy, the strengthening of national institutions, and the promotion of human rights and socioeconomic development.

The Security Council welcomes, in this regard, the prospective resumption of engagement by the Guinea-Bissau Configuration of the Peacebuilding Commission, once appropriate conditions are in place, welcomes the intention of its Chair to visit Guinea-Bissau, and encourages close cooperation between the Peacebuilding Commission and UNIOGBIS."
Opinião: Resposta à carta aberta de Filomeno Pina ao Dr. Koumba Yalá

Carta a Vª. Excia. Dr. Kumba Yála

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